Wednesday 23 August 2017

Bank Lån Handel System And Metoden

Bankväsendet: Kommersiell bank - Företagsutlåning Kommersiell utlåning - Utlåning till företag - är verkligen en tvåhandsmarknad i USA. På stora företagsnivå är bankutlåningen inte lika stor i USA som i många andra länder, eftersom det finns ett större antal tillgängliga alternativa källor till medel till företag, som obligationsmarknaden. För småföretag är bankutlåning dock ofta en avgörande källa till kapital. Affärsutlåning inkluderar kommersiella inteckningar (lån som används för att köpa byggnader), utlåning av utrustning, lån säkrat av kundfordringar och lån avsedda för expansion och andra företagsändamål. Traditionellt har bostadsbyggnadsindustrin varit en stor låntagare som använder banklån för att förvärva mark och betala för byggande av hus eller lägenheter och sedan återbetala lånen när bostäderna är färdiga eller sålda. Många banker dämpar effektivt sina utlåning på bostadsmarknaden, lånar ut pengar till bostadsköpare som bostadslån och lån till utvecklare och entreprenörer som sysslar med att bygga nya bostäder. Företagsutlåning kan också ske i form av mezzaninfinansiering. projektfinansiering eller brolån. Mezzaninutlåning är inte så vanligt för de flesta affärsbanker, men brolån och projektfinansiering förlängs ofta på kort sikt tills låntagaren finner en mer permanent finansieringskälla. BuyHold Securities Banks använder ofta sina kapital för att förvärva värdepapper. Regulatorer i alla länder kräver att bankerna håller tillbaka en viss procentandel av kapitalet som reserver. Skuldebrev utfärdade av nationella, statliga och lokala myndigheter behandlas ofta som säkra som kontanter, eller i närheten av det, av tillsynsmyndigheter. Därför kommer bankerna ofta att hålla dessa instrument som ett sätt att tjäna lite inkomst på sina reserver. Många banker kommer också att köpa och hålla värdepapper som ett alternativ till utlåning. I de fall där rådande lånräntor är otillräckliga för att tillgodose riskvägda priser i bankerna kan vissa skuldförbindelser vara mer attraktiva som alternativ användning av kapital. Följaktligen är banksektorn en stor köpare av statsskuldebrev. Banker är också frekventa köpare av kommunala obligationer. När det gäller så kallade bankkvalificerade obligationer kan banker tjäna ränta som är fri från federal beskattning. Det är mindre vanligt att bankerna innehar stamaktier. Trots att många vanliga aktier betalar utdelningar har amerikanska tillsynsmyndigheter traditionellt straffat aktieinnehav genom att ge dem dåliga riskvägningar. Det är mycket vanligare i utlandet att bankerna håller kapital. Många banker i Europa och Asien visar sina relationer med företag som något som är relaterat till partnerskap och kommer att hålla kapital för olika orsaker, inklusive både en andel i företagets uppsida och det inflytande som ett betydande ägande kan ge. Icke-ränteinkomst De senaste decennierna har icke-ränteintäkter blivit en viktig del av vinsten från många kommersiella banker i Nordamerika. Som namnet antyder är det inkomst som inte härrör från ränta på lånade medel. Icke-ränteinkomster kräver vanligtvis minimal risk för banken och det minsta kapitalet. Det är inte rättvist att säga att icke-ränteintäkter är fria pengar, till exempel anställda måste fortfarande betalas, men det är korrekt att säga att icke ränteintäkter bär ofta mycket attraktiva marginaler och avkastning på kapital och är en avgörande inkomstkälla för många banker. Avgifter på inlåning och lån Kunder kan häva bankavgifter, men de är en stor del av hur många banker som tjänar pengar. Banker kan debitera avgifter för att helt enkelt låta en kund ha ett konto öppet, vanligen om eller när kontosaldot är under en viss brytpunkt, samt avgifter för att använda bankomater eller överföringskonto. Banker kommer också att tjäna intäkter från avgifter för tjänster som kassörskontroller och kassaskåp. Bankerna lägger ofta också på en mängd avgifter och avgifter när de gör lån. Medan bankerna försiktigt försöker försvara dessa avgifter lika viktigt för att täcka kostnaderna för pappersarbete och så vidare, är de i praktiken en honeypot av vinst för banken. Kongressen och har aggressivt, i kölvattnet av subprime krisen, för att begränsa några av de avgifter som bankerna kan debitera kunder. I många fall innebär dessa nya regler att kunderna aktivt måste välja och godkänna vissa kontonfunktioner, som automatisk kassakreditförsäkring, men det finns ökande begränsningar för vilka tjänster bankerna kan debitera för och hur mycket de kan debitera. Business Operations Insurance and Leasing nsurance är en annan överraskande populär icke-bankaktivitet för många banker. Kvaliteten på försäkringen beror kanske på att likheterna med bankerna är bägge företagen grundade på adekvat utvärdering och prissättning, och stöder stor ansvarsskyldighet på ett tunt kapitallager. Båda företagen råkar också vara mycket reglerade, men försäkringen regleras nästan uteslutande på statsnivå. På samma sätt, med tanke på likheterna mellan utlåning och leasing, är det kanske inte förvånande att många banker etablerar leasingverksamhet. Relativt få banker ser ut att ägna sig åt de underliggande tillgångarna, men många banker ser ut att bilda finansieringsrelationer med utrustningshandlare, betala en liten avgift till återförsäljaren för varje leasingavtal som undertecknas och sedan samla in ränta på hyresavtalet. I själva verket tillåter dessa transaktioner bankerna att expandera sin företagsutlåning, samtidigt som man utnyttjar infrastrukturen hos andra företag, exempelvis utrustningshandlare. Treasury Services Treasury tjänster är en bred samling av tjänster som banker kommer att erbjuda till företagskunder, såsom företagets finansdirektörer eller skattemyndigheter. Förutom enkla tjänster som insamling och checkskrivning, kommer bankerna också att hjälpa företag att hantera sina kundfordringar och leverantörsskulder. Hantering av rörelsekapital och löneavgift är en betydande huvudvärk för många företag, och medan bankerna tar betalt för dessa tjänster, finner många kunder att avgifterna är mindre än kostnaden för fullt bemanning och drift av egna treasuryfunktioner. Betalningsservice arger banker kan också tjäna ränteintäkter från betalningsbehandlingstjänster. Banker kommer att hjälpa handlare, ofta små eller medelstora företag, skapa betalningssystem som gör det möjligt för dem att acceptera betalkort och kreditkort, hantera kontroller elektroniskt, konvertera valuta och automatisera mycket av kontorsarbetet, för att säkerställa snabbare betalning och mindre krångel. På samma sätt kan banker hjälpa företag att inrätta automatiska elektroniska betalningsnät som gör fakturering och leverantörsbetalningar snabbare och mindre krångel. Naturligtvis debiterar bankerna för dessa tjänster, ofta tjänar en liten summa på varje transaktion som de hanterar eller hjälper till med processen. Eftersom ett enda nätverk kan stödja ett stort antal kunder med minimala inkrementella kostnader kan dessa tjänster vara mycket lönsamma för en bank, när de har nått en viss skala. Lånförsäljning Även om man gör hypotekslån och samlar in räntan, är det visserligen en del av det dagliga ränteintäkterna hos bankerna. Det finns aspekter av utlåning som faller i ränteinkomsten. I vissa fall är banker villiga och kunna låna ut pengar, men inte särskilt välutrustade för att hantera de kontorsuppgifter som går ut på att betjäna dessa lån. I sådana situationer kan en bank sälja rätten att betjäna det lånet, samla in och vidarebefordra betalningar, hantera depåkonton, svara på låntagares frågor etc. till ett annat finansiellt institut. Även om detta kan göras för nästan vilken typ av lån som helst, är det mest vanligt med inteckningar och studielån för hypotekslån (MSR) utgör en miljarder dollarindustri. (För mer, kolla in The New Mortgage Business: Mer än bara lån.) Övriga inkomstkällor I deras drivkraft för ytterligare inkomstkällor har de flesta affärsbanker utvidgats till att erbjuda olika investerings - och pensionsprodukter till bankkunder. I många fall kommer bankerna att erbjuda en rad produkter som fonder. livränta och portföljrådgivning. Större banker kan faktiskt driva dessa fonder själva, via ett dotterbolag, men andra kommer helt enkelt att fungera som kommissionär. Även om insättningen garanterar att täckning av bankinlåning inte sträcker sig till pensionskonton, är många investerare under missuppfattning som de gör och kommer att köpa värdepapper från banker under missuppfattning att de är mindre riskabla. En metod för att behandla låneansökningar innefattar flera steg, och kan praktiseras med ett finansiellt institut, inklusive en ursprungsenhet och en distributionsenhet. Lånansökningar mottas från ett flertal sökande, vid ursprungsföretaget. Var och en av låneansökningarna lämnas till en försäkringsgivare för utvärdering tillsammans med viss information för varje låneansökan. Försäkringsföretaget godkänner eller nekar lånansökningarna. Var och en av de nekade låneansökningarna granskas hos distributionsföretaget för att avgöra om varje nekad låneansökan är acceptabel för syndikering eller värdepapperisering. Ett meddelande kommuniceras från distributionsenheten till ursprungsföretaget och innehåller en indikation på om en av de nekade låneansökningarna är acceptabel för syndikering eller värdepapperisering. Ett system kan innefatta komponenter för att utöva metoden. Internationell sökrapport för ansökningsnummer PCTUS0872119, daterad 3 juni 2009. Internationell sökrapport för ansökningsnummer PCTUS0872127, daterad 23 juni 2009. Internationell preliminär patenterbarhetsrapport för PCT-ansökningsnummer PCTUS2008072119, skickad 11 februari 2010. International Preliminary Patentability Report för PCT-ansökan nr PCTUS2008072127, skickad 11 februari 2010. Trammell, James P. Attorney, Agent eller Firman: Banner Witcoff, Ltd. Springs, Michael A. Det som hävdas är: 1. En datorimplementerad metod innefattande: lagring i minnet av information avseende ett flertal låneansökningar från ett flertal sökande mottagna vid en upphovsenhet hos en finansiell institution som innefattar upphovsenheten och en distributionsenhet som sänder av en processor ansluten till minnet åtminstone En del av informationen för var och en av flertalet låneansökningar till en försäkringsenhet för utvärdering, där försäkringsföretaget godkänner åtminstone några av ett flertal låneansökningar för att skapa ett flertal godkända låneansökningar och förnekar åtminstone en del av flertalet låneansökningar för att skapa ett flertal nekade låneansökningar som sänder av processorn åtminstone en del av informationen för var och en av det nekade lånet ansökningar till distributionsföretaget, där distributionsenheten bestämmer huruvida varje nekad låneansökan är godtagbar för syndikering och huruvida varje nekad låneansökan är acceptabel för värdepapperisering och mottagande av processorn minst ett meddelande innefattande en indikation av huruvida en första av nekade låneansökningar är godtagbara för syndikering, godtagbar för värdepapperisering, acceptabel för både syndikering och värdepapperisering eller ej godtagbar för syndikering eller värdepapperisering, varvid när den första nekade låneansökan är acceptabel för både syndikering och värdepapperisering innefattar det åtminstone ett budskapet vidare en indikation på optimal fördelning m echanism bestämd av distributionsenheten för låneansökan vald från syndikering eller värdepapperisering och varvid ett första lån som härrör från den första låneansökningen fördelas i enlighet med den optimala fördelningsmekanismen, vari distributionsenheten omfattar en syndikationshanteringsenhet och en värdepapperiseringshanteringsenhet, vidare innefattande: att tillhandahålla av forumet ett forum för konkurrenskraftig budgivning mellan syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepapperiseringshanteringsenheten för var och en av de flera nekade låneansökningarna, varvid när processorn mottar ett bud från syndikationshanteringsenheten för den första nekad låneansökan är den första ansökan acceptabel för syndikering, varvid när processorn mottar ett bud från värdepapperiseringshanteringsenheten för den första nekade låneansökan är den första ansökan acceptabel för värdepapperisering och varvid den optimala fördelningsmekanismen bestäms baserat på en vinnare av den konkurrensgivande budgivningen mellan syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepappershanteringsenheten. 2. Förfarande enligt krav 1, varvid meddelandet vidare innefattar åtminstone ett villkor för den första nekade låneansökan att vara acceptabel för åtminstone en av syndikering och värdepapperisering. 3. Förfarande enligt patentkrav 1, vidare innefattande: mottagning, vid processorn, från distributionsenheten, ett flertal meddelanden, varvid varje meddelande motsvarar ett av de flera nekade låneansökningarna och innefattar en indikation av huruvida motsvarande nekad låneansökan är acceptabelt för minst en av syndikering och värdepapperisering. 4. Förfarande enligt krav 1, varvid ett bud av en av syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepapperiseringshanteringsenheten innefattar åtminstone ett villkor för den nekade låneansökan att vara acceptabel för syndikering eller värdepapperisering. 5. Förfarande enligt krav 1, varvid när den optimala fördelningsmekanismen för den första applikationen är bestämd att vara syndikering, skapar upphovsenheten ett första lån motsvarande den första låneansökan och distributionsenheten syndikerar det första lånet. 6. Förfarande enligt krav 1, varvid när den optimala fördelningsmekanismen för den första applikationen bestäms att vara värdepapperisering, skapar upphovsenheten ett första lån motsvarande den första låneansökan och distributionsföretaget securitizes det första lånet. 7. Förfarande enligt patentkrav 1, varvid den första applikationen är bestämd för att vara acceptabel för värdepapperisering, varvid förfarandet vidare omfattar: mottagning vid processorn från distributionsenheten, ett andra meddelande innefattande en begäran för ursprungsorganet för att söka upp lån uppfyller angivna kriterier. 8. En datorimplementerad metod innefattande: lagring i minnet av information avseende ett flertal applikationer för lån från ett flertal sökande mottagna vid en upphovsenhet hos ett finansiellt institut bestående av ursprungsorganet och en distributionsenhet, varvid distributionsenheten innefattar en portföljförvaltningsenhet, en syndikationshanteringsenhet och en värdepapperiseringshanteringsenhet och bestämmer optimala fördelningsmekanismer för flertalet låneansökningar baserade på en vinnare av en konkurrensgivande budgivning, innefattande att med hjälp av en processor ansluten till minnet tillhandahålla ett forum för konkurrenskraftig budgivning bland portföljförvaltningsenheten, syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepappershanteringsenheten, för varje av de många låneansökningarna. 9. Sätt enligt krav 8, vidare innefattande: sändning av en processor ansluten till minnet åtminstone en del av informationen för var och en av de flera låneansökningarna till en försäkringsenhet för utvärdering, varvid försäkringsenheten godkänner åtminstone en del av flertalet låneansökningar för att skapa ett flertal godkända låneansökningar och förnekar åtminstone en del av flertalet låneansökningar för att skapa ett flertal nekade låneansökningar, där forumet tillhandahålls av processorn för konkurrenskraftig budgivning bland portföljförvaltningsenheten , syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepappershanteringsenheten för varje av de flera godkända låneansökningarna. 10. Förfarande enligt krav 9, vidare innefattande: tillhandahållande av processorn av forumet för konkurrenskraftig budgivning mellan syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepapperiseringshanteringsenheten för varje av de flera nekade låneansökningarna. 11. Förfarande enligt krav 8, varvid ursprungsorganet skapar ett flertal lån, varvid varje lån motsvarar ett av låneansökningarna och varvid varje lån fördelas enligt den optimala fördelningsmekanismen för varje motsvarande låneansökan bland portföljförvaltningsenheten, syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepappershanteringsenheten, genom att placera lånet i en portfölj av finansinstitutet, syndikera lånet respektive lånepapperisering av lånet. 12. Förfarande enligt krav 8, varvid processorn vidare tillhandahåller en webbportal som är konfigurerad för att tillhandahålla åtkomst till forumet av portföljförvaltningsenheten, syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepappershanteringsenheten för konkurrenskraftig budgivning. 13. Förfarande enligt krav 8, där forumet för konkurrenskraftig budgivning innefattar en webbplats. 14. Datorsystem innefattande: ett minne konfigurerat för lagring av information avseende ett flertal låneansökningar från ett flertal sökande mottagna vid ett ursprungsorgan i ett finansiellt institut bestående av ursprungsorganet och ett distributionsföretag innefattande: en portföljförvaltningsenhet för hantering av lån i en portfölj av distributionsföretaget en syndikationshanteringsenhet för hantering av syndikering av lån och en värdepapperiseringshanteringsenhet för hantering av värdepapperisering av lån och en distributionsprocessor i förbindelse med minnet, distribueringsprocessorn konfigurerad för att hjälpa till att bestämma optimala fördelningsmekanismer för flertalet av låneansökningar genom att tillhandahålla ett datorbaserat forum för konkurrenskraftig budgivning mellan åtminstone två av portföljförvaltningsenheten, syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepapperiseringshanteringsenheten för varje av de flera låneansökningarna, varvid den optimala fördelningsmekanismen ism för varje låneansökan bestäms baserat på en vinnare av den konkurrensgivande budgivningen. 15. Datasystem enligt krav 14, varvid forumet är ett webbaserat forum där processorn är vidare konfigurerad att tillhandahålla en webbportal som tillhandahåller förbindelse mellan ursprungsorganet, portföljförvaltningsenheten, syndikationshanteringsenheten, värdepapperiseringshanteringen enhet och det webbaserade forumet. 16. Datorsystem enligt krav 14, varvid åtminstone en del av flertalet låneansökningar är godkända av en försäkringsenhet för att skapa ett flertal godkända låneansökningar och åtminstone en del av flertalet låneansökningar nekas av försäkringsenheten till skapa ett flertal nekade låneansökningar. 17. Datasystem enligt krav 16, varvid processorn är konfigurerad att tillhandahålla forumet för värd för konkurrenskraftig budgivning bland portföljförvaltningsenheten, syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepapperiseringshanteringsenheten för varje av de flera godkända låneansökningarna, och för att erbjuda konkurrenskraftig budgivning mellan syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepapperiseringshanteringsenheten, för var och en av de flera nekade låneansökningarna. 18. Datasystem enligt krav 16, varvid processorn är vidare konfigurerad för att sända åtminstone en del av informationen avseende var och en av de nekade låneansökningarna till syndikationshanteringsenheten för granskning för att bestämma huruvida varje nekad låneansökan är acceptabel för syndikering, och för att sända åtminstone en del av informationen om var och en av de nekade låneansökningarna till värdepappershanteringsenheten för granskning för att avgöra huruvida varje nekad låneansökan är acceptabel för värdepapperisering. 19. Datasystemet enligt krav 18, varvid lån som motsvarar var och en av de nekade låneansökningarna bestämdes vara acceptabla för minst en av syndikering och värdepapperisering, skapas av upphovsenheten och fördelas enligt den optimala fördelningsmekanismen för varje lån Ansökan. 20. Datorsystem enligt patentkrav 18, där processorn är vidare konfigurerad att, från syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepapperiseringshanteringsenheten, mottaga ett flertal meddelanden, varvid varje meddelande innehåller en indikation av huruvida en motsvarande en av de nekade låneansökningarna är acceptabelt för syndikering respektive värdepapperisering. 21. Datasystem enligt krav 20, varvid åtminstone några av meddelandena vidare innefattar åtminstone ett villkor för motsvarande nekad låneansökan för att vara acceptabel för syndikering eller värdepapperisering. 22. En datorimplementerad metod innefattande: lagring, i minnet, av information avseende ett flertal låneansökningar från ett flertal sökande mottagna vid ett ursprungsorgan i ett finansiellt institut bestående av ursprungsorganet och en distributionsenhet som innefattar en syndikationshanteringsenhet och en värdepapperiseringshanteringsenhet som sänder av en processor ansluten till minnet åtminstone en del av informationen för var och en av de flera låneansökningarna till en försäkringsenhet för utvärdering, varvid försäkringsenheten godkänner åtminstone en del av flertalet låneansökningar till skapa ett flertal godkända låneansökningar och förnekar åtminstone en del av flertalet låneansökningar för att skapa ett flertal nekade låneansökningar som sänder åtminstone av informationen för varje av de nekade låneansökningarna till distributionsföretaget och bestämning av optimala fördelningsmekanismer för flertalet nekade l oanvända applikationer, innefattande att genom processorn tillhandahålla ett forum för konkurrenskraftig budgivning mellan syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepapperiseringshanteringsenheten för var och en av de flera nekade låneansökningarna, varvid den optimala fördelningsmekanismen för varje låneansökan bestäms baserat på en vinnare av den konkurrensgivande budgivningen och där ett lån skapas av upphovsenheten för varje låneansökan som mottar minst ett bud och varje lån fördelas enligt den optimala fördelningsmekanismen för respektive lån. 23. Förfarande enligt krav 22, varvid distributionsenheten vidare innefattar en portföljhanteringsenhet och där processorn vidare tillhandahåller forumet för konkurrensgivande budgivning mellan syndikationshanteringsenheten, värdepappershanteringsenheten och portföljhanteringsenheten. 24. Förfarande enligt krav 22, vidare innefattande: sändning av processorn av åtminstone en del av informationen för varje låneansökan som mottar minst ett bud till vinnaren av den konkurrensgivande budgivningen för respektive lån, där lånet skapas av Upphovsverksamheten använder den överförda informationen. TEKNISKT OMRÅDE Uppfinningen hänför sig till ett system och ett förfarande för behandling av låneansökningar, och mer specifikt till ett system och en metod för att optimera bearbetning och fördelning av lån och låneansökningar. UPPFINNINGENS BAKGRUND Utlåning, inklusive hypotekslån, kreditinstitut i hemmet och andra mekanismer för skuldsättning har medverkat i ekonomisk tillväxt över historien. Finansinstitut kan distribuera lån genom olika distributionsmekanismer, inklusive portföljplacering, syndikering och värdepapperisering. Kortfattat lagrar portfölj i ett finansiellt institut lån och delar av lån som ägs av finansinstitutet, som får betalningar från låntagaren för att återbetala lånen. Beroende på olika problem kan finansinstitutet vilja ha lån som har vissa specificerade egenskaper i portföljen. Vissa lån kan syndikeras eller värdepapperiseras av olika skäl, till exempel när ett finansiellt institut vill ha kapital för att skapa fler lån eller när syndikering eller värdepapperisering av ett lån som idag finns i portföljen är fast beslutet att vara mer lönsamt. Syndicating ett lån innebär vanligtvis att dela lånet i flera bitar och sälja en eller flera av bitarna till en eller flera andra enheter. Sålunda utförs syndikering ofta på mycket stora lån. Värdepapperisering innebär att ett lån (eller en del därav) samlas med andra lån eller delar av lån och utfärdar ett obligationslån mot låne tillgångarna. I många tidigare finansinstitut uppstår lån främst för att växa portföljen för institutionen, och lån som är för stora eller på annat sätt ogynnsamma (till exempel på grund av risker eller andra egenskaper) senare syndikeras eller värdepapperiseras. I sådana befintliga metoder avgör resultatet av finansinstitutets försäkringsprocess typiskt huruvida ett lån kommer att skapas och många lån som kan ge vinst genom syndikering eller värdepapperisering kan nekas. Sammanfattning av uppfinningen Det föreliggande systemet och förfarandet tillhandahålls för att lösa problemen som diskuterats ovan och andra problem och att tillhandahålla fördelar och aspekter som inte tillhandahålls av tidigare system och metoder av denna typ. Aspekter av föreliggande uppfinning hänför sig till ett förfarande för behandling av låneansökningar som innefattar flera steg och kan utföras med en finansiell institution innefattande en upphovsenhet och en distributionsenhet. Lånansökningar mottas från ett flertal sökande, vid ursprungsföretaget. Var och en av låneansökningarna lämnas till en försäkringsgivare för utvärdering tillsammans med viss information för varje låneansökan. Försäkringsföretaget godkänner eller nekar lånansökningarna. Var och en av de nekade låneansökningarna granskas hos distributionsföretaget för att avgöra om varje nekad låneansökan är acceptabel för syndikering eller värdepapperisering. Ett meddelande kommuniceras från distributionsenheten till ursprungsföretaget och innehåller en indikation på om en av de nekade låneansökningarna är acceptabel för syndikering eller värdepapperisering. Ytterligare aspekter av uppfinningen hänför sig till ett förfarande för behandling av låneansökningar som innefattar flera steg och kan utföras i samband med ett finansiellt institut innefattande en upphovsenhet och en distributionsenhet. Distributionsenheten kan innefatta en portföljförvaltningsenhet, en syndikationshanteringsenhet och en värdepappershanteringsenhet. Ett flertal lånansökningar mottas från ett flertal sökande, vid ursprungsorganet. Ett forum tillhandahålls för konkurrenskraftig budgivning bland portföljförvaltningsenheten, syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepappershanteringsenheten för varje av de flera låneansökningarna. Lån som härrör från låneansökningarna fördelas genom en vinnare av den konkurrensgivande budgivningen bland portföljförvaltningsenheten, syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepappershanteringsenheten. Ytterligare aspekter av uppfinningen avser en metod för att behandla låneansökningar som kan utföras i samband med ett finansiellt institut innefattande en upphovsenhet och en distributionsenhet. Distributionsenheten kan innefatta en portföljförvaltningsenhet, en syndikationshanteringsenhet och en värdepappershanteringsenhet. Lånansökningar mottas från ett flertal sökande, vid ursprungsföretaget. Var och en av låneansökningarna lämnas till en försäkringsgivare för utvärdering tillsammans med åtminstone en del uppgifter för varje låneansökan. Försäkringsföretaget godkänner eller nekar lånansökningarna. Var och en av de godkända låneansökningarna analyseras för att bestämma en första utpekad enhet för varje godkänd låneansökan bland portföljförvaltningsenheten, syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepappershanteringsenheten, baserat på en prognostiserad lönsamhet för var och en av portföljförvaltningsenheten, den syndikationshanteringsenhet och värdepappershanteringsenheten som motsvarar låneansökan. Var och en av de nekade låneansökningarna analyseras för att avgöra huruvida varje nekad låneansökan är godtagbar för syndikering eller värdepapperisering och för att bestämma en andra utpekad enhet för varje acceptabel nekad låneansökan mellan syndikationshanteringsenheten och värdepappershanteringsenheten baserat på en prognostiserad lönsamhet för varje syndikationshanteringsenhet och värdepappershanteringsenheten som motsvarar låneansökan. Lån skapas, vilket motsvarar varje godkänd låneansökan och varje godtagbar nekad låneansökan. Lånet som motsvarar varje godkänd låneansökan distribueras till den första utpekade enheten för den godkända låneansökan och lånet som motsvarar varje godtagbar nekad låneansökan fördelas till den andra utpekade enheten för den acceptabla avslagna låneansökan. Ytterligare aspekter av uppfinningen tillhandahåller system för att utöva olika utföringsformer av förfarandet enligt uppfinningen, innefattande ett flertal enheter, såsom en upphovsenhet eller distributionsenhet hos en finansiell institution. Distributionsenheten kan innehålla en portföljförvaltningsenhet, en syndikationshanteringsenhet och en värdepappershanteringsenhet. Systemet kan också innehålla ett datorsystem och en webbportal för anslutning av de olika enheterna. Datorsystemet kan stödja ett internt auktionssystem. En fullständig diskussion av särdragen och fördelarna med föreliggande uppfinning är uppskjuten till följande detaljerade beskrivning, vilken fortsätter med hänvisning till de bifogade ritningarna. KORT BESKRIVNING AV RITNINGARNA För att förstå föreliggande uppfinning kommer den nu att beskrivas som exempel med hänvisning till de bifogade ritningarna, på vilka: FIG. 1 är en schematisk vy av en utföringsform av ett system för behandling av låneansökningar. 2 är ett flödesschema som visar en utföringsform av ett förfarande för behandling av en låneansökan FIG. 3 illustrerar en utföringsform av ett förfarande för bestämning av en enhet för distribution, som en del av metoden i fig. 2 FIG. 4 är en schematisk vy av en andra utföringsform av ett system för behandling av en låneansökan FIG. 5 är ett flödesschema som visar en andra utföringsform av ett förfarande för behandling av en låneansökan FIG. 6 är en schematisk vy av en tredje utföringsform av ett system för behandling av en låneansökan FIG. 7 är ett flödesschema som visar en tredje utföringsform av ett förfarande för behandling av en låneansökan FIG. 8 är ett flödesschema som visar en fjärde utföringsform av ett förfarande för behandling av en låneansökan FIG. 9 är en schematisk vy av en fjärde utföringsform av ett system för behandling av en låneansökan FIG. 10 är ett flödesschema som visar en femte utföringsform av ett förfarande för behandling av en låneansökan och fig. 11 illustrerar en utföringsform av ett förfarande för behandling av en låneansökan genom distribution genom värdepapperisering. DETAILED DESCRIPTION While this invention is susceptible of embodiments in many different forms, exemplary embodiments of the invention are shown in the drawings and will herein be described in detail with the understanding that the present disclosure is to be considered as an exemplification of the principles of the invention and is not intended to limit the broad aspect of the invention to the embodiments illustrated. FIG. 1 illustrates an exemplary system 10 that is capable of utilizing the disclosed method for processing loan applications. The disclosed system and method can be used by or in connection with a bank or other financial institution, for example an investment firm or other business, or a government institution. The system 10 illustrated in FIG. 1 includes an origination entity 12 . a distribution entity 14 . and a computer system 20 in communication with the origination entity 12 and the distribution entity 14 . Portions of the system 10 are illustrated in FIG. 1 as being incorporated into a financial institution 11 . such as a bank, having a plurality of institutional employees. In the embodiment of FIG. 1, the origination entity 12 . the distribution entity 14 . and the computer system 20 are shown as part of the financial institution 11 . The system 10 may also include an underwriting entity 19 . The origination entity 12 serves to originate loan applications, some of which result in loans being generated. The origination entity 12 may include several smaller entities, such as client management and service entities. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1, the origination entity 12 includes the underwriting entity 19 . although the underwriting entity 19 may be separate from the financial institution 11 in other embodiments. Generally, an applicant, such as a person, business, or other entity, comes into contact with the origination entity 12 to request a loan. This contact may be initiated by the origination entity 12 or the applicant. The origination entity 12 collects a variety of different information regarding the applicant and the loan requested. Some of the information may be collected directly from the applicant, for example, the applicants name and identification information, and the amount of money desired to be borrowed. Other information may be collected from other sources, for example, the applicants credit history and rating. The origination entity 12 may contain its own computer system 13 . containing one or more memories and processors (not shown), as illustrated in FIG. 1. The distribution entity 12 generally manages where a loan is placed after the loan is created. As shown in FIG. 1, the distribution entity 12 contains several separate management entities, including a portfolio management entity 15 . a syndication management entity 16 . and a securitization management entity 17 . The portfolio management entity 15 manages the portfolio of assets for the financial institution 11 . including a plurality of loans and portions of loans owned by the financial institution 11 . The syndication management entity 16 manages syndication of loans for the financial institution 11 . including structuring and planning such syndication. The securitization management entity 17 manages securitization of loans for the financial institution 11 . including structuring and planning such securitization. The distribution entity 12 and management entities 15 . 16 . 17 may desire particular types loans for certain purposes based on present circumstances. For example, the portfolio management entity 15 may desire a certain type of loan for the portfolio based on investment strategy andor the type of loans already in the portfolio, for example, high risk, high interest rate loans, low risk, low interest rate loans, or loans having a certain term or structure. Thus, a single loan may be projected to have a different level of potential profitability or desirability for each management entity 15 . 16 . 17 . depending on the circumstances at the time. It is understood that, in some embodiments, the portfolio management entity 15 . syndication management entity 16 . and securitization management entity 17 may be consolidated into a single entity within the distribution entity 12 . The distribution entity 14 may contain its own computer system 18 . containing one or more memories and processors (not shown), as illustrated in FIG. 1. The computer system 20 may be configured to include a memory 22 and a processor 24 . It is understood that a computer system 20 . single processor 24 . and single memory 22 are shown and described for sake of simplicity, and that the computer system 20 . processor 24 . and memory 22 of the system 10 may include a plurality of computer systems, processors, and memories, respectively. The same is true of other computers and computer systems, processors, and memories referred to herein. The computer system 20 is connected to the origination entity 12 and the distribution entity 14 to allow communication between the origination entity 12 . the distribution entity 14 . and the computer system 20 . and generally provides an information gateway 26 between the origination entity 12 and the distribution entity 14 . In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1, the computer system 20 is connected to the origination entity 12 and the distribution entity 14 through a web portal 30 connected to a network 32 . such as the Internet. However, in other embodiments, the computer system 20 may be connected to the origination entity 12 and the distribution entity 14 through another means, such as a LAN or other private network. The underwriting entity 19 is depicted in FIG. 1 as being part of the origination entity 12 . However, in other embodiments, the underwriting entity may be separate from the financial institution 11 . Generally, the underwriting entity 19 underwrites each loan application for the financial institution 11 . through analyzing information regarding the applicant and the proposed loan, to project whether the proposed loan would be profitable for the financial institution 11 . based on such factors as balancing potential risk and yield. This underwriting process is described in greater detail below. An exemplary embodiment of a method 1000 for processing loan applications is illustrated in FIG. 2. The method 1000 of FIG. 2, and variations thereof, may be practiced in connection with the system 10 shown in FIG. 1, or with other systems, such as the other system embodiments described herein. At step 1100 . at least one loan application is received, at the origination entity 12 . from at least one applicant. As described above, each application may include information about the application and the corresponding applicant. Generally, the information may include a plurality of proposed terms for the loan, including the loan amount, structure, term, andor interest rate of the loan. In many embodiments, the origination entity 12 receives a plurality of loan applications from a plurality of applicants. It is understood that some applicants may submit one application apiece, while other applicants (for example, large business clients) may occasionally submit many applications. At step 1200 . each loan application is submitted to the underwriting entity 19 for evaluation. Generally, at least some of the information gathered for each loan application is also submitted to the underwriting entity 19 . As described above, the underwriting entity 19 underwrites each loan application for the financial institution 11 . through analyzing information regarding the applicant and the proposed loan, to project whether the proposed loan would be profitable for the financial institution 11 . based on such factors as balancing potential risk and yield. If the underwriting entity 19 determines that a loan application presents suitable potential profitability, the loan application is approved. If, however, the underwriting entity 19 determines that a loan application does not present suitable potential profitability, the loan application is denied. In one embodiment, the underwriting entity 19 approves or denies each loan application using standards set by the portfolio management entity 15 for placement of loans into the portfolio for the financial institution 11 . Typically, the underwriting entity 19 will communicate to the origination entity 12 whether each loan application is approved or denied. At step 1300 . each of the denied loan applications and at least some of the information for each denied loan application is reviewed, to determine whether each denied loan application is acceptable for syndication andor securitization. Like the underwriting step 1200 . this determination may be based on projected profitability to the institution 11 through syndication or securitization, including projected risk and projected yield. The determination may also be based on contractual or legal restrictions preventing certain loans from being securitized or syndicated. Additionally, this determination may include one or more conditions for acceptability for syndication or securitization, which may include a change in the proposed terms of the loan application. For example, the distribution entity 14 may determine that the loan application, with the original proposed terms, may not be acceptable for syndication andor securitization, but would be acceptable if one or more conditions are met, such as raising the interest rate, changing the term or structure of the loan, or including greater or different collateral or other securitization. The processing of such conditions is described in greater detail below. In one exemplary embodiment, this review of the loan applications is done by the distribution entity 14 . such as by the corresponding syndication management entity 16 and securitization management entity 17 . It is understood that the underwriting entity 19 may perform this evaluation in other embodiments. Additionally, as described below with respect to method 2000 . this evaluation may be done in conjunction with competitive bidding between the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . and the securitization management entity 17 . Optionally, the approved loan applications may also be independently reviewed to determine whether each approved loan application is acceptable for placement in the portfolio, syndication, or securitization. However, in the exemplary embodiment illustrated, approved loan applications are automatically considered to be acceptable for placement in the portfolio of the financial institution 11 . as well as for syndication and securitization. At step 1400 . the distribution entity 14 communicates a message to the origination entity 12 . The message contains an indication of whether one of the denied loan applications is acceptable for syndication andor securitization. In one embodiment, this message is an electronic message, however, as with other communications described herein, the message may be transmitted by any known means of communication. It is understood that the method 1000 may involve sending a plurality of such messages, each corresponding to one of the denied loan requests. The message may also contain at least one condition for the denied loan application to be acceptable for syndication andor securitization, as described above. If the message contains such a condition, the origination entity 12 may communicate the condition(s) to the applicant, at step 1410 . and may receive a notification from the applicant regarding whether the condition(s) are acceptable, at step 1420 . If the additional condition(s) are acceptable to the applicant, then the loan application is acceptable for syndication andor securitization. Each loan application that is not approved and is not found to be acceptable for at least one of the portfolio, securitization, or syndication, is rejected by the institution 11 . at step 1430 . At step 1500 . loans are created by the origination entity corresponding to each approved loan request and to each denied loan request that is determined to be acceptable for syndication andor securitization. Each loan may be created in a known manner. At step 1600 . each created loan is distributed through one of the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . or the securitization management entity 17 . If the loan application is found to be acceptable for only one of the distribution mechanisms, then the loan is distributed to the management entity 15 . 16 . 17 corresponding to the acceptable distribution mechanism. If the loans are acceptable for more than one of the management entities 15 . 16 . 17 . then a determination may be made regarding which entity will distribute the loan, at step 1700 . In one embodiment, this determination is made by evaluation of the potential profitability of the loan through placement in the portfolio, syndication, andor securitization, and the loan is awarded to the entity having the highest potential profitability. In another embodiment, all loans resulting from approved loan applications are sent initially to the portfolio management entity 15 . and can later be sent to one of the other entities at the discretion of the institution 11 . FIG. 3 illustrates one embodiment of a method of determining an entity for distribution, for performing step 1700 . In FIG. 3, each loan application is analyzed to determine a portfolio profitability value for the portfolio of the financial institution, at step 1710 . to determine a syndication profitability value for syndication by the financial institution, at step 1720 . and to determine a securitization profitability value for securitization by the financial institution, at step 1730 . This analysis may be performed based on the proposed terms of each loan application. In one embodiment, the portfolio profitability value, the syndication profitability value, and the securitization profitability value for each loan application may be used in analysis by the distribution entity 14 andor the underwriting entity 19 . to determine whether each loan application is acceptable for at least one of the distribution mechanisms, such as at step 1300 . In another embodiment, the method may include separate profitability analyses, and loans previously determined to be unacceptable for the portfolio, syndication, andor securitization may consequently have one or more of separate profitability analyses omitted. For example, loans that are denied by the underwriting entity 19 and considered unacceptable for placement in the portfolio may not be separately evaluated for profitability through distribution through the portfolio management entity 15 . Accordingly, in this embodiment, each denied loan application may be analyzed only to determine a syndication profitability value, at step 1720 . and to determine a securitization profitability value, at step 1730 . and step 1710 may be omitted from the analysis. At step 1740 . the distribution mechanism having the highest corresponding profitability value is determined and designated as the entity to distribute the loan. Returning to step 1600 . the loan is distributed through the entity with the highest corresponding profitability value. Projected profitability, as referred to herein, may be determined by subjective standards set by the financial institution 11 . incorporating such factors as projected risk, projected yield, diversification concerns, and any other factors the financial institution 11 considers important for profitability. It is also noted that profitability, as referred to herein, may contemplate not only the profitability to the particular entity distributing the loan, but the profitability to the entire financial institution 11 as a whole as a result of a particular distribution mechanism. Thus, the profitability for placing the loan in the portfolio may be directly related to the profitability for securitizing or syndicating the loan. Additionally, the projected profitability of a loan may be affected by external factors, for example, diversification concerns raised by the characteristics of the loans already in the portfolio of the financial institution 11 . In the distribution step 1600 . each management entity 15 . 16 . 17 distributes loans in its own customary manner. In other words, the portfolio management entity 15 distributes the loan by placing the loan in the portfolio for the financial institution 11 . Likewise, the syndication management entity 16 distributes the loan through syndication, and the securitization management entity 17 distributes the loan through securitization. It is noted that one or more of the loans created through the disclosed method may be divided into parts for distribution. In such a case, one part of the loan may be distributed by one mechanism, such as placement in the portfolio, and one or more other parts of the loan may be distributed by one or more other mechanisms, such as syndication and securitization. At step 1800 . records related to each loan application are created and stored. In one exemplary embodiment, the records are electronic records that are stored, for example, in memory 22 . In other embodiments, the records may be physical records, or a mix of different types of records. The stored records may include records of each step in the above-described method 1000 . In one embodiment, a prime record is created and stored for each loan created andor distributed through the financial institution 11 . A prime record, as known in the art, contains all necessary details of the loan transaction and contract, including information such as the names of the transacting parties, the terms of the transaction, the date of the transaction, and any other necessary information. As described above, in one embodiment, this prime record may be an electronic record stored in the memory 22 . Prime records provide great value for the financial institution 11 and the applicant, and are often securely protected. In addition to the prime records for each loan, in one exemplary embodiment, a securitization prime record is also created to represent each securitization transaction. In other words, when a loan is distributed through securitization, a prime record of the transaction is created. Generally, as known in the art, a securitization transaction involves a first entity that owns one or more loans and a second entity, known as a special purpose vehicle, that capable of issuing one or more bonds. The first entity sells the loan(s) to the second entity in return for one or more issued bonds, thus effectively transforming the loan assets into bond assets, from the perspective of the first entity. In other words, the second entity buys one or more loans and issues one or more bonds corresponding to the loan(s) through the securitization transaction. In the system 10 shown in FIG. 1, the financial institution 11 has a securitization management entity 17 to manage securitization of the loans, and either the financial institution 11 or the securitization management entity 17 can operate as the first entity as described above. The second entity referred to above is often an entity known as a special purpose vehicle. FIG. 11 illustrates an exemplary embodiment of a method 6000 for processing loans utilizing securitization prime records, in conjunction with the embodiment of the system 10 shown in FIG. 1. At step 6100 . a plurality of loans are created from a plurality of loan applications, in a manner such as described above. At step 6200 . the loans are distributed, such as in the manners described above. One group of the loans may be distributed through placement in the portfolio of the financial institution 11 . a second group of the loans may be distributed by syndication, and a third group of the loans may be distributed by securitization, through a securitization transaction. At step 6300 . a securitization prime record is created for each securitization transaction. It is understood that prime records may also be created for each individual loan that is distributed through any of the mechanisms, upon creation of the loan. At step 6400 . the securitization prime record is stored in a memory, such as memory 22 . Like the prime records described above, the securitization prime record may contain a great deal of information regarding the transaction. For example, in one embodiment, the securitization prime record includes an identification of the first entity (for example, the financial institution 11 ) and the second entity (for example, a special purpose vehicle) conducting the securitization transaction, a description of each loan involved (including a value of the loan), a description of each bond involved (including a corresponding CUSIP number and a value of the bond), and a transaction number to identify the transaction. The availability of the information in the securitization prime record, as well as the ability to identify the transaction by transaction number, allow for generation of financial records and other performance of financial operations related to the securitization transaction, which were previously not possible because of the lack of a securitization prime record. Such operations include, for example, generation of general ledger debit and credit entries, payment andor delivery information to and from participating parties, transaction confirmations between entities (e. g. legal documentation), time based business intelligence andor management information, cost information around transactions linking different fees associated with the transaction (e. g. legal, travel, printing, etc.), transaction description summaries, and other types of documentation. Higher processing volume is also enabled by the presence of the securitization prime record. It is understood that the disclosed method of processing a securitization transaction can be used in conjunction with any financial institution, as well as the other embodiments of systems 100 . 200 . 300 and methods 2000 . 3000 . 4000 . 5000 for processing loan applications described herein below. FIG. 4 illustrates a second exemplary embodiment of a system 100 that is capable of utilizing the disclosed method for processing loan applications. The system 100 shown in FIG. 4 contains many of the same components as the system 10 shown in FIG. 1 and described above, which are referenced by identical reference numerals. An additional feature of the system 100 shown in FIG. 4 is the internal auction system 134 contained within the computer system 120 . The forum of the auction system 134 may also contain a monitor or moderator 38 to oversee the competitive bidding. The internal auction system 134 provides a forum for competitive bidding between the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . and the securitization management entity 17 for one or more loan applications, as described in greater detail below. Generally, the auction system 134 . and the forum hosted on the auction system 134 . are computer based, and can be accessed through a public network andor a private network, in various embodiments. In the exemplary embodiment illustrated, the auction system 134 is web-based, and is hosted by a website that is accessed from a public network 32 through the web portal 30 . In other embodiments, the internal auction system 134 may be hosted or accessed in a different manner. For example, bids through the auction system may be made in another manner, including electronic and non-electronic communication techniques. A second exemplary embodiment of a method 2000 for processing loan applications is illustrated in FIG. 5. The method 2000 of FIG. 5, and variations thereof, may be practiced in connection with the system 100 shown in FIG. 4, or with other systems, such as the other system embodiments described herein. Additionally, the method 2000 contains some steps that are similar to those of the method 1000 shown in FIG. 2 and described above. At step 2100 . at least one loan application is received, at the origination entity 12 . from at least one applicant, similarly to step 1100 above. At step 2200 . each loan application is submitted to the underwriting entity 19 for evaluation, along with at least some of the information gathered for each loan application, similarly to step 1200 above. At step 2300 . each of the loan applications is subjected to competitive bidding among one or more of the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . and the securitization management entity 17 . Generally, as described above, a computer-based forum is provided for this competitive bidding. In the exemplary embodiment of the system 100 shown in FIG. 4 and described above, the auction system 134 contains a website providing a web-based forum for such competitive bidding. Each management entity 15 . 16 . 17 may use various criteria in determining a bid amount. Additionally, the bid may take one of many different forms, and may also include conditions, such as proposed changes to the terms of the application. For example, the entities 15 . 16 . 17 may submit bids through offering a price to buy a particular loan. In other examples, the entities 15 . 16 . 17 may submit projected profitability values for a particular loan, or may submit an estimation of the lowest interest rate at which a particular loan could achieve satisfactory profitability, to constitute the bid. Still other forms of bidding are contemplated. However, it is contemplated that in at least some embodiments, all entities 15 . 16 . 17 may be required to submit bids in the same format. The forum for competitive bidding may be presented in a variety of manners. Additionally, at least some of the information gathered by the origination entity 12 in connection with the loan application may be made available on the forum. In one embodiment, the forum may present each loan application as a separate posting or listing. In this embodiment, the bidding entities 15 . 16 . 17 may gather information and submit bids for a loan application by accessing the listing. Other techniques and formats for presenting the forum are contemplated as well. It is understood that at some point during the method 2000 . some or all of the loan applications may be reviewed to determine whether each application is acceptable for placement in the portfolio, syndication, andor securitization, similarly to step 1300 above. It is also understood that at some point during the method 2000 . some or all of the loan applications may be analyzed to determine projected profitability values for placement in the portfolio, syndication, andor securitization, similarly to step 1700 above. This review andor analysis, as well as the acceptability andor projected profitability values produced thereby, may be used in calculating the bid made by each management entity 15 . 16 . 17 for a particular loan request, or may further be used to constitute the bid itself. Additionally, this review andor analysis, as well as the acceptability andor projected profitability values produced thereby, may be used in determining whether the bid can or should be made at all. Accordingly, some entities may be restricted from bidding on certain loan applications. For example, in one embodiment, the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . and the securitization management entity 17 may all bid on loans approved by the underwriting entity 19 (and thus considered unacceptable for portfolio placement), but only the syndication management entity 16 and the securitization management entity 17 may bid on loans denied by the underwriting entity 19 . It is also contemplated that, in some embodiments, the bidding process may include messages from the distribution entity 14 to the origination entity, which may include conditions for the bid, similarly to step 1400 above. These conditions may be transmitted to the applicant for consideration, as also described above. In further embodiments, a bid by a particular entity 15 . 16 . 17 may constitute a representation that the corresponding loan application is acceptable for that particular distribution mechanism, and separate review may not be necessary. At step 2400 . a winner of the competitive bidding is determined, among the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . and the securitization management entity 17 . This determination may be done by one of a variety of techniques, including manually by the origination entity 12 or another entity of the financial institution 11 . or by an automated algorithm, or by another technique. Additionally, it is understood that, while the winner may be determined among the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . and the securitization management entity 17 . not all the entities may bid on each loan application, and some loan applications may receive no bids. Generally, the entity 15 . 16 . 17 having the best bid for each loan application will be determined to be the winner of the bidding. Accordingly, the method 2000 may be used to determine the most profitable distribution of each loan, maximizing profits of the financial institution 11 . At step 2500 . loans are created by the origination entity corresponding to each loan request that receives at least one bid by at least one of the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . and the securitization management entity 17 . This creation may be performed similarly to step 1500 above. At step 2600 . each loan is distributed through the winner of the competitive bidding among the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . and the securitization management entity 17 . similarly to step 1600 above. At step 2700 . records related to each loan application are created and stored, including a prime record for each loan, similarly to step 1800 above. FIG. 6 illustrates a third exemplary embodiment of a system 200 that is capable of utilizing the disclosed method for processing loan applications. The system 200 shown in FIG. 6 contains many of the same components as the systems 10 and 100 shown in FIGS. 1 and 4 and described above, which are referenced by identical reference numerals. An additional feature of the system 200 shown in FIG. 6 is the internalexternal auction system 234 contained within the computer system 220 . The internalexternal auction system 234 provides a forum for competitive bidding between the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . the securitization management entity 17 . and a plurality of third party entities 36 for one or more loan applications, as described in greater detail below. Generally, the auction system 234 . and the forum hosted on the auction system 234 . are computer-based, and can be accessed through a public network andor a private network, in various embodiments. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 6, these third party entities 36 can connect to the auction system 234 from the network 32 through the web portal 30 . In some embodiments, the auction system 234 may also provide a forum for competitive bidding for one or more service requests in connection with processing one or more loans, as described in greater detail below. In some embodiments, the auction system 234 may further provide for receiving and bidding on loan applications originated by third party entities 36 . as described in greater detail below. In the exemplary embodiment illustrated, the auction system 234 is web-based, and is hosted by a website that is accessed from the network 32 through the web portal 30 . In other embodiments, the internalexternal auction system 234 may be hosted or accessed in a different manner. For example, bids through the auction system 234 may be made in another manner, including electronic and non-electronic communication techniques. The forum of the auction system 234 may also contain a monitor or moderator 38 to oversee the competitive bidding. The monitor 38 can be provided with various levels of authority in the forum, including, for example, the authority to exclude certain entities or the authority to take actions to enforce bids made through the auction system 234 . as well as other powers. The monitor 38 may perform other functions as well, such as directing attention to postings of loan applications that are not receiving bids. A third exemplary embodiment of a method 3000 for processing loan applications is illustrated in FIG. 7. The method 3000 of FIG. 7, and variations thereof, may be practiced in connection with the system 200 shown in FIG. 6, or with other systems, such as the other system embodiments 10 . 100 described herein. Additionally, the method 3000 contains some steps that are similar to those of the method 1000 shown in FIG. 2 and the method 2000 shown in FIG. 5 and described above. At step 3100 . at least one loan application is received, at the origination entity 12 . from at least one applicant, similarly to steps 1100 and 2100 above. At step 3200 . each loan application is submitted to the underwriting entity 19 for evaluation, along with at least some of the information gathered for each loan application, similarly to steps 1200 and 2200 above. At step 3300 . each of the loan applications is subjected to competitive bidding among one or more of the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . the securitization management entity 17 . and the plurality of third parties 36 . Generally, as described above, the auction system 234 is computer-based and hosts a computer-based forum for this competitive bidding. In the exemplary embodiment of the system 200 shown in FIG. 6 and described above, the auction system 234 contains a website hosting a web-based forum for such competitive bidding. It is contemplated that the bidding in step 3300 can be performed in a similar manner as the bidding described above in step 2300 of the method 2000 . As described above, each bidding entity 15 . 16 . 17 . 36 may use various criteria in determining a bid amount. Additionally, the bid may take one of many different forms, and may also include conditions, such as proposed changes to the terms of the application. Further, it is contemplated that in at least some embodiments, all bidding entities 15 . 16 . 17 . 36 may be required to submit bids in the same format. In one exemplary embodiment of the method 3000 . the bidding entities 15 . 16 . 17 . 36 submit bids by offering a price to buy a particular loan, allowing for objective evaluation between entities 15 . 16 . 17 within the financial institution 11 and third party entities 36 . This competitive bidding maximizes the creation rate of loans and helps ensure optimum distribution of loans. As described above, this arrangement benefits the financial institution 11 . the third party entities 36 . and the applicants, as it can result in the creation of more loans and the distribution of those loans to the entity best equipped for, or most desirous of, each loan. The forum for competitive bidding may be presented in a variety of manners. Additionally, at least some of the information gathered by the origination entity 12 in connection with the loan application may be submitted on the forum. In one embodiment, the forum may present each loan application as a separate posting or listing. In this embodiment, the bidding entities 15 . 16 . 17 . 36 may gather information and submit bids for a loan application by accessing the listing. Other techniques and formats for presenting the forum are contemplated as well. It is understood that at some point during the method 3000 . some or all of the loan applications may be reviewed to determine whether each application is acceptable for placement in the portfolio, syndication, andor securitization, similarly to step 1300 above. It is also understood that at some point during the method 3000 . some or all of the loan applications may be analyzed to determine projected profitability values for placement in the portfolio, syndication, andor securitization, similarly to step 1700 above. This review andor analysis, as well as the acceptability andor projected profitability values produced thereby, may be used in the method 3000 similarly to the manner described above with respect to the method 2000 . It is further contemplated that, in some embodiments, the bidding process may include messages from the distribution entity 14 . or one or more of the third party entities 36 . to the origination entity 12 . which may include conditions for the bid, similarly to step 1400 above. These conditions may be transmitted to the applicant for consideration, as also described above. In some embodiments, the financial institution 11 may place bidding restrictions on one or more of the entities 15 . 16 . 17 of the distribution entity 14 . as described above. For example, one or more of the entities 15 . 16 . 17 may be precluded from bidding on a loan application which has been determined to be unacceptable for that particular entity 15 . 16 . 17 . In a more specific example, the portfolio management entity 15 may be precluded on bidding for loan applications denied by the underwriting entity 19 . At step 3400 . a winner of the competitive bidding is determined, among the bidding entities 15 . 16 . 17 . 36. This determination may be done similarly to the determination described above at step 2400 . In some embodiments, determination of the winner of the bidding may establish some contractual relationship between the winning entity and the financial institution 11 . It is understood that additional paperwork may be necessary to establish the desired contractual relationship. At step 3500 . loans are created by the origination entity corresponding to each loan request that receives at least one bid by at least one of the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . and the securitization management entity 17 . This creation may be performed similarly to steps 1500 and 2500 above. At step 3600 . each loan is distributed through the winner of the competitive bidding among the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . the securitization management entity 17 . and the third party entities 36 . similarly to steps 1600 and 2600 above. At step 3700 . records related to each loan application are created and stored, including a prime record for each loan, similarly to steps 1800 and 2800 above. A fourth exemplary embodiment of a method 4000 for processing loan applications is illustrated in FIG. 8. The method 4000 of FIG. 8, and variations thereof, may be practiced in connection with the system 200 shown in FIG. 6, or with other systems, such as the other system embodiments 10 . 100 described herein. Additionally, the method 4000 contains some steps that are similar to those of the methods 1000 . 2000. and 3000 shown in FIGS. 2, 5 . and 7 and described above. The method 4000 provides for processing loan applications originated not only by the origination entity 12 of the financial institution 11 . but also by third party entities 36 accessing the auction system, such as via the web portal 30 . Thus, generally, the method 4000 may be configured to interact equally with a plurality of entities, including the origination entity 12 . the distribution entity 14 . and the third party entities 36 . At step 4100 . a plurality of postings are received from one or more of the plurality of entities, which may include the origination entity 12 and one or more third party entities 36 . Each posting includes information regarding one of the plurality of loan applications, and each loan application is originated by the entity 12 . 36 associated with the posting through contact with a corresponding applicant, as described above with respect to step 1100 . It is contemplated that in some embodiments, all of the plurality of loan applications are originated by one entity, and all of the plurality of postings are received from the one entity. At step 4200 . the plurality of postings are made available to the entities on the forum, which may include the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . and the securitization management entity 17 of the distribution entity 14 . as well as one or more third party entities 36 . The postings may be made available through a computer-based forum for competitive bidding, as described above with respect to steps 2300 and 3300 . such as a website provided by the auction system 234 . At step 4300 . one or more competitive bids for each loan application are received, for example, through the web portal 30 . Each bid is submitted by one of the plurality of entities 15 . 16 . 17 . 36. Each entity 12 . 14 . 36 may provide for underwriting, reviewing, andor analyzing each loan application, in a manner such as those described above, in connection with the competitive bidding. At step 4400 . a winning bid for each loan application is determined from the plurality of bids submitted by the entities 15 . 16 . 17 . 36. similarly to steps 2400 and 3400 above. The entity 15 . 16 . 17 . 36 submitting the winning bid is determined to be the winner for the competitive bidding. In some embodiments, determination of a winner of the bidding may establish some contractual relationship between the winning entity and the entity originating the loan application. It is understood that additional paperwork may be necessary to establish the desired contractual relationship. At step 4500 . the entity 12 . 36 originating each loan application creates a loan with the corresponding applicant, similarly to steps 1500 . 2500 . and 3500 above. At step 4600 . each loan is distributed to the entity 15 . 16 . 17 . 36 submitting the winning bid for the loan application, similarly to steps 1600 . 2600 . and 3600 above. Records related to each loan application may be created and stored by the financial institution 11 or one of the third party entities 36 . including a prime record for each loan, similarly to steps 1800 . 2800 . and 3700 above. These records may be created by the institution 11 operating the auction system 234 . or by the entity 12 . 14 . 36 originating or winning each loan application, or by another entity, in various embodiments. It is contemplated that some embodiments of the method described herein, such as the embodiment 4000 of FIG. 8, may alternately be practiced by an institution that does not contain an origination entity andor a distribution entity. Such an institution may even exist solely to operate the auction system. Accordingly, a fifth exemplary embodiment of a method for processing loan applications is practiced similarly to the method 4000 shown in FIG. 8 and described above, but may be practiced by a system such as the exemplary system 300 illustrated in FIG. 9, which includes an institution 311 containing a computer system 320 with a memory 322 and a processor 324 . The computer system 320 supports an auction system 334 . Additionally, a moderator 338 may be included in the system 300 . Similar to the embodiments described above, the auction system 334 is generally computer-based, and may be accessed through a variety of means, such as a public network andor a private network. In the exemplary embodiment illustrated, the computer system 320 and the auction system 334 are connected to a plurality of entities 336 through a web portal 330 . As stated above, in one embodiment, all of the entities 336 are third party entities. In this method, all of the postings for originated loan applications may be received from entities 336 . in step 4100 . and the postings may be made available only to entities 336 . in step 4200 . Similarly, all of the bids received for each loan application may be received from entities 336 . in step 4300 . Otherwise, the method may be practiced as the method 4000 described above. It is understood that some of the entities 336 may only originate loan applications and do not bid on loan applications, while other entities 336 may only bid on loan applications without originating any applications, and still other entities 336 may both originate and bid on loan applications. In some embodiments, the institution 311 operating the auction system 334 may include an origination entity andor one or more distribution entities, such as a portfolio management entity, a syndication management entity, or a securitization management entity, and that the entities 336 may include such an origination entity or distribution entity. A sixth exemplary embodiment of a method 5000 for processing loan applications is illustrated in FIG. 10. In a general sense, the method 5000 provides for market offers and competitive bidding for services to be performed in connection with processing loans and loan applications. Accordingly, the method 5000 may be practiced independently in a stand-alone manner, or may be joined with one of the other embodiments of the methods described above. Additionally, the method 5000 and variations thereof, may be practiced in connection with the system 200 shown in FIG. 6, or with other systems, such as the other system embodiments described herein. Nearly any service associated with processing a loan or loan application may be auctioned and outsourced through the present method 5000 . One example of such a service is underwriting a loan application. Accordingly, one of the entities 36 bidding for some of the service requests may be an underwriting entity. Another example of such a service is collecting payments on a loan already created. A further example of such a service is processing paperwork related to a loan application. At step 5100 . one or more service requests are received from one or more entities. Each service request is associated with one or more services to be performed in connection with processing a loan application for the entity corresponding to the service request. In various embodiments, the service requests may be received by different entities. For example, in the system 200 of FIG. 6, the service request may be received by the auction system 234 . such as through the web portal 30 . from one of the entities connected to the auction system 234 . including the financial institution 11 and the third party entities 36 . It is understood that many different services may be auctioned for a single loan or application, and thus, that multiple service requests may be received for a single loan or application. It is also understood that one service request may include a package of services for a single loan or application, or a package of services for a plurality of loans or applications. At step 5200 . each service request is subjected to competitive bidding among one or more entities involved in the competitive bidding process, such as the financial institution 11 and the third party entities 36 . Thus, bids are received from one or more entities 11 . 36 in accordance with the method. A forum for the competitive bidding may be provided in any of the manners described above. For example, in the system 200 shown in FIG. 6 and described above, the auction system 234 contains a website hosting a web-based forum for such competitive bidding. It is contemplated that the bidding in step 5200 can be performed in a similar manner as the bidding described above with respect to other embodiments. As described above, each bidding entity 11 . 36 may use various criteria in determining a bid amount. Additionally, the bid may take one of many different forms, and may also include conditions for the bid. Further, it is contemplated that in at least some embodiments, all bidding entities 11 . 36 may be required to submit bids in the same format. In one exemplary embodiment of the method 5000 . the bidding entities 11 . 36 submit bids by offering a price to perform a particular service, allowing for objective evaluation between the entities 11 . 36. At step 5300 . a winning bid for each service request is determined. As described above, the winner may be determined in one of a variety of manners, including manually or automatically through an algorithm. For example, in one embodiment, the entity 11 . 36 submitting the bid with the lowest price is determined to be the winner. In another embodiment, the entity 11 . 36 submitting the service request may supply the criteria for determining the winner, or may itself determine the winner of the bid. At step 5400 . the service request is awarded to the entity 11 . 36 submitting the winning bid. This step may establish some contractual relationship between the winning entity and the entity submitting the service request. It is understood that additional paperwork may be necessary to establish the desired contractual relationship. At step 5500 . the entity 11 . 36 submitting the winning bid for the service request performs the one or more services contained in the request, in connection with processing the corresponding loan or application. Some embodiments of the system and method described herein may be configured to allow for reverse inquiry from the bidding entities to the entity originating each loan request. Such reverse inquiries may include requests for origination of loans having certain characteristics, and may be based on various concerns, such as diversification in a portfolio or demand for a particular type of syndicated or securitized loan. For example, in the systems 10 and 100 described above and illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 4, the gateway 26 may allow transmission of reverse inquiries to the origination entity 12 from the distribution entity 14 . including the portfolio management entity 15 . the syndication management entity 16 . or the securitization management entity 17 . In another example, in the system 200 described above and illustrated in FIG. 6, the gateway 26 may be configured to allow reverse inquiries from third party entities 36 to the origination entity 12 as well. In a further example, the system 300 described above and illustrated in FIG. 9 may be configured to allow for reverse inquiries from any of the entities 336 bidding on a loan application or service request to one or more entities 336 that originate andor post loan applications or service requests. As described above, some embodiments of the system and method described herein involve presentation of information regarding a loan application or a loan applicant on a public or semi-public forum. Certain information may not be suitable for public knowledge for various reasons, including privacy protection and other legal concerns. Accordingly, in some embodiments, private applicant information is filtered from the information for each loan application, such that the private applicant information is not presented in the forum. This filtering may be performed by the entity originating each loan application, in one embodiment. In another embodiment, the web portal 30 may include software or other features to automatically filter information fitting a certain profile. As stated above, FIGS. 2, 3 . 5 . 7 . 8. 10. and 11 illustrate examples of one or more aspects of the present method for processing loans and loan applications. The steps of the methods described above can be accomplished by means andor components contained within the financial institution 11 . such as the institutional employees or the computer systems 13 . 19. 20. including the memories and processors associated therewith (such as memory 22 and processor 24 ), or a combination of employees and computer components. It is understood that automatically performing actions or functions implies actions by automated andor computerized components, and do not incorporate significant action by institutional employees or other significant manual effort. Additionally, the web portal 30 constitutes one means for receiving, transmitting, and other electronic communication-related actions and functions described herein. As described above, electronic communications can be transmitted and received through a public network andor a private network. Mail and other physical shipping methods constitute possible means for non-electronic communications. Alternate communication means are also disclosed herein. Other components of the system and the financial institution 11 may also constitute means for accomplishing aspects of the present invention, as understood by those skilled in the art. It is understood that the financial institution 11 may not perform each and every aspect of the present invention and that the institution 11 may outsource aspects to one or more other entities. Aspects of the present invention are operational with numerous other general purpose or special purpose computing system environments or configurations. Examples of well known computing systems, environments, andor configurations that may be suitable for use with the present invention include, but are not limited to, personal computers, server computers, hand-held or laptop devices, multiprocessor systems, microprocessor-based systems, set top boxes, programmable consumer electronics, network PCs, minicomputers, mainframe computers, distributed computing environments that include any of the above systems or devices, and the like. Aspects of the present invention may be described in the general context of computer-executable instructions, such as program modules, being executed by a computer. Generally, program modules include routines, programs, objects, components, data structures, etc. that perform particular tasks or implement particular abstract data types. The present invention may also be practiced in distributed computing environments where tasks are performed by remote processing devices that are linked through a communications network. In a distributed computing environment, program modules may be located in the one or more of the memories, such as memory 22 . which may include both local and remote computer storage media including memory storage devices. It is understood that connections and communications disclosed herein may be made by any type of wired or wireless connection or communication. It is understood that some of the steps described in the exemplary methods above may not be performed in some embodiments. It is also understood that the exemplary methods described above may contain additional steps not described herein. The various embodiments of the system and method described herein provide benefits and advantages not provided by prior systems and methods. In many prior systems and methods, each loan application is only reviewed for suitability for placement in a portfolio, and such approved loans may be later chosen for syndication or securitization. However, this approach results in denial of loans that may be profitable for syndication or securitization, but not for portfolio placement. By reviewing the denied loan applications specifically for syndication and securitization profitability, the financial institution 11 can accept more applications, creating more loans and greater potential profit for the institution 11 . Additionally, incorporating internal competitive bidding into the process of selection between different distribution mechanisms for a financial institution works to ensure that each loan is distributed in the most profitable manner possible. Configuring the system and method to incorporate origination and competitive bidding for loan applications from external sources provides further maximized profit and efficiency not only for the institution operating the auction forum, but also for the many external entities involved in the forum. Likewise, bidding for services related to loans and application also enhances efficiency and profit for all entities involved in the transaction. Further, in many prior systems and methods, prime records are not adequately kept for securitized andor syndicated loans. Configuring the system to consistently create and store prime records provides great benefit to an institution though decreased risk, as well as other reasons. Still further, through automation of many of the steps in processing a loan application, the disclosed system and method provide increased efficiency and profit. Several alternative embodiments and examples have been described and illustrated herein. A person of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate the features of the individual embodiments, and the possible combinations and variations of the components. A person of ordinary skill in the art would further appreciate that any of the embodiments could be provided in any combination with the other embodiments disclosed herein. It is understood that the invention may be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or central characteristics thereof. The present examples and embodiments, therefore, are to be considered in all respects as illustrative and not restrictive, and the invention is not to be limited to the details given herein. The terms first, second, etc. as used herein, are intended for illustrative purposes only and do not limit the embodiments in any way. Additionally, the term plurality, as used herein, indicates any number greater than one, either disjunctively or conjunctively, as necessary, up to an infinite number. Accordingly, while the specific embodiments have been illustrated and described, numerous modifications come to mind without significantly departing from the spirit of the invention and the scope of protection is only limited by the scope of the accompanying claims. Trade loans Trade loans are flexible, short-term borrowing facilities, linked to specific import or export transactions. They are available for firms regardless of the method they use to trade, whether open account, collections or documentary credit basis. Trade loans help fund trade transactions throughout a firms trading cycle, improving its cashflow. Trade loans work as fully revolving credit facilities, which help fund a business between the time it has to pay for the purchased goods, and the time when the firm receives the funds from the sale of those goods. Once the facility is agreed and put in place, the borrower presents his drawdown documentation. Any drawdown documentation is agreed in advance and stipulated in the facility agreement. This normally includes invoices and transport documents. Depending on the type of agreement, the lender may or may not have control over the transport documents. Common use Trade loans are an important and well-established trade finance technique. Particularly suited to wholesalers and manufacturers, they can be used for regular or one-off purchases of goods and raw materials. There are three main costs that need to be considered: the main cost is generally interest on the owed amount. Interest is charged and will vary depending on the risk of default. Other fees and charges may be applicable, depending on the type of loan, tenor and lender arrangement fees are commitment or administration charges payable to the lender to reserve the funds and cover opening costs. Fees will vary depending on the complexity of the business, its size and risk trade loans are normally provided in conjunction with other trade products (such as documentary credits), and the cost of these needs to be taken into account when considering affordability. The timeframe for arranging a trade loan will vary, depending on the complexity of the deal. Typically it takes between one and four weeks. Advantages allows firms to pay suppliers on time while receiving extended credit terms is structured to suit a firms trading cycle allows firms to accept quick payment terms from suppliers, enhancing reputation if customers require funding for their working capital needs, trade loans offer transaction-specific financing and may reduce their overall borrowing costs customers can use trade loans to pay import collections and import letters of credit at sight while extending their working capital normally available in all major currencies. Disadvantages due to their short-term nature, interest charged can be higher than for business loans or commercial mortgages as with other types of debt, if the loan is secured on the goods being purchased or on other security, and the business fails to repay, the lender may take action to seize the security provided for the loan defaults on loan repayments can lead to a fall in credit score, increased interest rates for existing and future loans, collateral being seized and legal proceedings against the company. Company directors may also be personally affected, depending on how the loan was structured. Other options The right finance for your business section gives examples of financial structures that are suitable for different trading types and sizes of business. There are a range of trade services and products that are offered by banks and other financial services providers. Trade loans are a well-established form of plugging the gap in a trade cycle, but there are other alternatives, such as cashflow financeinvoice factoring and business overdrafts . Import letters of credit and documentary collections can be instrumental in helping firms manage their trade cycle, particularly when trading abroad. Patent application title: System And Method For Optimizing Fixed Rate Whole Loan Trading Patent application title: System And Method For Optimizing Fixed Rate Whole Loan Trading Inventors: Harsha Nagesh Rajan Godse Agents: KING SPALDINGCREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLC Assignees: Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC Origin: ATLANTA, GA US IPC8 Class: AG06Q4000FI USPC Class: 705 36 R Patent application number: 20100057635 Optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading. Specifically, the invention provides computer-based systems and methods for optimally packaging a population of whole loans into bonds in either a seniorsubordinate bond structure or into pools of pass through securities guaranteed by a government agency. Models for each type of bond structure are processed on the population of loans until either an optimal bond package is found or a user determines that a solution of sufficient high quality is found. Additionally, the models can account for bids for whole loans by allocating whole loans that meet requirements of the bid but are least favorable to be securitized. 1. A system for optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading, comprising:a computing system comprising a software application comprising one or more modules operable to:develop a model for determining a securitization strategy for a population of whole loans, the securitization strategy comprising a plurality of bonds andprocess the model until an optimal securitization strategy for the population of whole loans is found anda user interface for receiving user input for the one or more modules and for outputting the optimal securitization strategy, the user interface being in communication with the software application. 2. The system of claim 1, wherein the one or more modules comprise a seniorsubordinate module operable to group the population of loans into a seniorsubordinate bond structure comprising at least one senior tranche of bonds and at least one subordinate tranche of bonds. 3. The system of claim 1, wherein the one or more module comprise a pass-thru module operable to pool a population of loans into one or more pools of pass through bonds. 4. The system of claim 1, further comprising one or more data sources communicably coupled to the computing system, the one or more data sources comprising information for use by the software application. 5. A computer program product comprising:a computer-readable medium having computer-readable program code embodied therein for determining an optimal execution bond coupon for each loan in a plurality of loans in a seniorsubordinate bond structure, the computer-readable medium comprising:computer-readable program code for creating a model comprising an objective function representing a total market value of the seniorsubordinate bond structure for the plurality of loans andcomputer-readable program code for maximizing the objective function to maximize the total market value of the seniorsubordinate bond structure. 6. The computer program product of claim 5, wherein the computer-readable program code for maximizing the objective function comprises computer-readable program code for:determining a market price of each loandetermining a first weighted average execution coupon for the plurality of loans corresponding to the market price of each loandetermining the total market value of the seniorsubordinate structure at the first weighted average execution couponiterating the weighted average execution coupon and determining a total market value for the seniorsubordinate structure at each iteration anddetermining the weighted average execution coupon having the highest total market values for the seniorsubordinate structure. 7. The computer program product of claim 5, further comprising computer-readable program code for developing and maximizing an objective function to optimally split at least one of the loans into two pseudo loans to prevent the creation of an interest only bond or a principal only bond, the two pseudo loans comprising different coupon values. 8. A computer program product comprising:a computer-readable medium having computer-readable program code embodied therein for optimally pooling a plurality of loans into pass through bond pools, the computer-readable medium comprising:computer-readable program code for creating a model corresponding to a plurality of pass through bond pools, each pass through bond pool comprising at least one constraintcomputer-readable program code for applying the at least one constraint of each pass through bond pool to each of the plurality of loans to determine which pass through bond pools each of the plurality of loans is eligible andcomputer-readable program code for processing the model to determine the optimal pooling. 9. The computer program product of claim 8, wherein the model comprises an objective function comprising a linear combination of a market value of each of the plurality of loans. 10. The computer program product of claim 9, wherein processing the model comprises maximizing the objective function. 11. The computer program product of claim 8, further comprising computer-readable program code for transforming the at least one constraint of each pass through bond pool into a conditional constraint. 12. The computer program product of claim 8, further comprising computer-readable program code for converting at least a portion of the at least one constraint of each pass through bond pool into a conditional constraint prior to processing the model to ensure that the model is solvable. 13. The computer program product of claim 18, further comprising computer-readable program code for transforming each of the at least one constraints into a conditional constraint to allow constraints to be applicable to only pass through bond pools that are allocated. 14. The computer program product of claim 8, further comprising computer-readable program code for allocating at least one of the plurality of loans to an unallocated pool. 15. The computer program product of claim 8, further comprising computer-readable program code for allocating loans into an unallocated pool if each of the plurality of pass through bond pools can not be allocated with the plurality of loans, wherein loans in the unallocated pool are given zero market value and wherein processing the model further comprises minimizing the number of loans allocated to the unallocated pool. 16. The computer program product of claim 8, wherein the model accounts for the constraint of each pass through bond pool and a payup associated with each pass through bond pool. 17. A computer program product comprising:a computer-readable medium having computer-readable program code embodied therein for allocating a portion of a plurality of loans to a loan package, the computer-readable medium comprising:computer-readable program code for determining which of the plurality of loans meet one or more constraints of the loan packagecomputer-readable program code for determining a market price of each of the plurality of loans based on a securitization modelcomputer-readable program code for modeling an objective function to determine which loans in the plurality of loans that meets the one or more constraints are least profitable for securitization in the securitization model andcomputer-readable program code for allocating the loans that meets the one or more constraints and are least profitable for securitization into the loan package. 18. The computer program product of claim 17, wherein the securitization model comprises a seniorsubordinate model. 19. The computer program product of claim 17, wherein the objective function is modeled to minimize a spread between a weighted average price of the loans in the loan package and a To Be Announced (TBA) bond price of the weighted average coupon of the loans in the loan package. 20. The computer program product of claim 17, wherein the objective function is modeled to minimize a dollar value of a spread between a weighted average price of the loans in the loan package and a To Be Announced (TBA) bond price of the weighted average coupon of the loans in the loan package. 21. A method for optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading, wherein each step is implemented on a computer system, the method comprising the steps of:determining a bond structure to securitize a plurality of whole loansdeveloping a model comprising an objective function that represents a total market value for the plurality of whole loans when executed into bonds corresponding to the bond structureprocessing the model to determine which of a group of available bonds should be generated and into which bonds of the generated bonds that each of the plurality of whole loans best executes into. 22. The method of claim 21, wherein the bond structure comprises a seniorsubordinate bond structure. 23. The method of claim 21, wherein the bond structure comprises an agency secured pass through bond structure. 24. The method of claim 21, further comprising the step of allocating a portion of the plurality of whole loans to a package of whole loans for selling as whole loans, the portion comprising whole loans meeting at least one constraint and being less profitable than the other whole loans when executed into a bond in the bond structure. 25. A computer program product comprising:a computer-readable medium having computer-readable program code embodied therein for optimally pooling excess coupon resulting from securitizing a plurality of loans, the computer-readable medium comprising:computer-readable program code for creating a model corresponding to a plurality of excess coupon bond pools and an unallocated pool, each excess coupon bond pool comprising at least one constraint andcomputer-readable program code for processing the model to allocate each of the loans into either an excess coupon bond pool or into the unallocated pool in order to maximize the total market value of the excess coupon that gets allocated to the excess coupon bond pools. 26. The computer program product of claim 25, wherein the model comprises an objective function representing the total market value of the excess coupon that gets allocated to the excess coupon bond pools. 27. The computer program product of claim 25, further comprising computer-readable program code for transforming each of the at least one constraints into a conditional constraint. 28. The computer program product of claim 25, further comprising computer-readable program code for transforming each of the at least one constraints into a conditional constraint to allow constraints to be applicable to only excess coupon bond pools that are allocated. 29. The computer program product of claim 25, further comprising:computer-readable program code for identifying the excess coupon pools for which each of the loans can be allocated based on collateral attributes of the loans andcomputer-readable program code for collapsing each loan identified for an excess coupon pool into a single loan to reduce the number of loans in the model. Description: 0001 This non-provisional patent application claims priority under 35 U. S.C. 119 to U. S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61191,011, entitled, System and Method for Optimizing Fixed Rate Whole Loan Trading, which is hereby fully incorporated herein by reference. 0002 The present invention relates generally to systems and methods for optimizing loan trading and more specifically to computerized systems and computer implemented methods for optimizing packages of whole loans for execution into bonds or sale as whole loan packages. 0003 Financial institutions, such as investment banks, buy loans and loan portfolios from banks or loan originators primarily to securitize the loans into bonds and then sell the bonds to investors. These bonds are considered asset-backed securities as they are collateralized by the assets of the loans. Many types of loans can be securitized into bonds, including residential mortgages, commercial mortgages, automobile loans, and credit card receivables. 0004 A variety of bond structures can be created from a population of loans, each structure having characteristics and constraints that need to be accounted for in order to maximize the profit that a financial institution can realize by securitizing the loans into bonds. The optimal grouping or pooling of loans into bonds for a given bond structure and a given loan population can depend on the characteristics of each loan in the population. Furthermore, the bond pool or execution coupon that an individual loan executes into can depend on the bond pool or best execution of each other loan in the population. As the typical loan population considered for securitizing into bonds is very large (e. g. 10,000 loans or more), determining an optimal pooling of loans for securitizing into bonds can be challenging. 0005 Accordingly, what is needed are systems and methods for optimizing the packaging of a population of loans into bonds for a given bond structure. 0006 The invention provides computerized systems and computer implemented methods for optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading for a population of whole loans. 0007 An aspect of the present invention provides a system for optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading. This system includes a computing system that includes a software application including one or more modules operable to develop a model for determining a securitization strategy for a population of whole loans, the securitization strategy including bonds and operable to process the model until an optimal securitization strategy for the population of whole loans is found and a user interface for receiving user input for the one or more modules and for outputting the optimal securitization strategy, the user interface being in communication with the software application. 0008 Another aspect of the present invention provides a computer-program product including a computer-readable medium having computer-readable program code embodied therein for determining an optimal execution bond coupon for each loan in a group of loans in a seniorsubordinate bond structure. This computer-readable medium includes computer-readable program code for creating a model comprising an objective function representing a total market value of the seniorsubordinate bond structure for the loans and computer-readable program code for maximizing the objective function to maximize the total market value of the seniorsubordinate bond structure. 0009 Another aspect of the invention provides a computer program product including a computer-readable medium having computer-readable program code embodied therein for optimally pooling loans into pass through bond pools. This computer-readable medium includes computer-readable program code for creating a model corresponding to pass through bond pools, each pass through bond pool including a constraint computer-readable program code for applying the constraint of each pass through bond pool to each of the loans to determine which pass through bond pools each of the loans is eligible and computer-readable program code for processing the model to determine the optimal pooling. 0010 Another aspect of the invention provides a computer program product including a computer-readable medium having computer-readable program code embodied therein for allocating a portion of a group of loans to a loan package. This computer-readable medium includes computer-readable program code for determining which of the loans meet one or more constraints of the loan package computer-readable program code for determining a market price of each of the loans based on a securitization model computer-readable program code for modeling an objective function to determine which loans in the group of loans that meets the one or more constraints are least profitable for securitization in the securitization model and computer-readable program code for allocating the loans that meets the one or more constraints and are least profitable for securitization into the loan package. 0011 Another aspect of the present invention provides a method for optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading. This method includes the steps of determining a bond structure to securitize whole loans developing a model comprising an objective function that represents a total market value for the whole loans when executed into bonds corresponding to the bond structure processing the model to determine which of a group of available bonds should be generated and into which bonds of the generated bonds that each of the whole loans best executes into. 0012 Another aspect of the present invention provides a computer program product including a computer-readable medium having computer-readable program code embodied therein for optimally pooling excess coupon resulting from securitizing loans. This computer-readable medium includes computer-readable program code for creating a model corresponding to excess coupon bond pools and an unallocated pool, each excess coupon bond pool including at least one constraint and computer-readable program code for processing the model to allocate each of the loans into either an excess coupon bond pool or into the unallocated pool in order to maximize the total market value of the excess coupon that gets allocated to the excess coupon bond pools. 0013 These and other aspects, features and embodiments of the invention will become apparent to a person of ordinary skill in the art upon consideration of the following detailed description of illustrated embodiments exemplifying the best mode for carrying out the invention as presently perceived. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 0014 For a more complete understanding of the exemplary embodiments of the present invention and the advantages thereof, reference is now made to the following description, in conjunction with the accompanying figures briefly described as follows. 0015 FIG. 1 is a block diagram depicting a system for optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. 0016 FIG. 2 is a flow chart depicting a method for optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. 0017 FIG. 3 is a flow chart depicting a method for determining a securitization strategy for a population of loans in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. 0018 FIG. 4 is a flow chart depicting a method for packaging a population of loans into a seniorsubordinate structure in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. 0019 FIG. 5 is a flow chart depicting a method for packaging a population of loans into a seniorsubordinate structure in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. 0020 FIG. 6 is a flow chart depicting a method for packaging a population of loans into pass through bonds in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. 0021 FIG. 7 is a flow chart depicting a method for packaging whole loans in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. 0022 FIG. 8 is a flow chart depicting a method for pooling excess coupon in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY EMBODIMENTS 0023 The invention provides computer-based systems and methods for optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading. Specifically, the invention provides computer-based systems and methods for optimally packaging a population of whole loans into bonds in either a seniorsubordinate bond structure or into pools of pass through securities guaranteed by a government agency. Models for each type of bond structure are processed on the population of loans until either an optimal bond package is found or a user determines that a solution of sufficient high quality is found. Additionally, the models can account for bids for whole loans by allocating whole loans that meet requirements of the bid but are least favorable to be securitized. Although the exemplary embodiments of the invention are discussed in terms of whole loans (particularly fixed rate residential mortgages), aspects of the invention can also be applied to trading other types of loans and assets, such as variable rate loans and revolving debts. 0024 The invention can comprise a computer program that embodies the functions described herein and illustrated in the appended flow charts. However, it should be apparent that there could be many different ways of implementing the invention in computer programming, and the invention should not be construed as limited to any one set of computer program instructions. Further, a skilled programmer would be able to write such a computer program to implement an embodiment of the disclosed invention based on the flow charts and associated description in the application text. Therefore, disclosure of a particular set of program code instructions is not considered necessary for an adequate understanding of how to make and use the invention. The inventive functionality of the claimed computer program will be explained in more detail in the following description read in conjunction with the figures illustrating the program flow. Further, it will be appreciated to those skilled in the art that one or more of the stages described may be performed by hardware, software, or a combination thereof, as may be embodied in one or more computing systems. 0025 Turning now to the drawings, in which like numerals represent like elements throughout the figures, aspects of the exemplary embodiments will be described in detail. FIG. 1 is a block diagram depicting a system 100 for optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIG. 1, the system 100 includes a computing system 110 connected to a distributed network 140. The computing system 110 may be a personal computer connected to the distributed network 140. The computing system 110 can include one or more applications, such as loan trading optimizer application 120. This exemplary loan trading optimizer 120 includes four modules 121-124 that can operate individually or interact with each other to provide an optimal packaging of loans into one or more bond structures and whole loan packages. 0026 A seniorsubordinate module 121 distributes loans into a seniorsubordinate bond structure with bonds having different credit ratings and different net coupon values. As will be discussed in more detail with reference to FIGS. 4-5, the seniorsubordinate module 121 distributes the loans into bonds having a AAA rating, subordinate bonds with lower credit ratings, and, depending on the loans and the coupon values of the AAA bonds and the subordinate bonds, interest only bonds and principal only bonds. 0027 A pass-thru module 122 distributes loans into pass through bonds guaranteed by a government agency, such as Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae. The pass-thru module 122 optimally pools the loans into To Be Announced (TBA) pass through securities based on a variety of constraints. The pass-thru module 122 is discussed in more detail below with reference to FIG. 6. 0028 A whole loan module 123 allocates loans to meet bids for loan portfolios meeting specific requirements and constraints of the bid. The whole loan module 123 can interact with either the seniorsubordinate module 121 or the pass-thru module 122 to allocate loans that meet the requirements of the bids but are less favorable to be securitized. The whole loan module 123 is discussed below in more detail with reference to FIG. 7. 0029 An excess coupon module 124 distributes excess coupons of securitized loans into different bond tranches or pools. The excess coupon module 124 can pool excess coupons resulting from seniorsubordinate bond structure created by the seniorsubordinate module 121 andor excess coupons resulting from pass through securities created by the pass-thru module 122. The excess coupon module 124 is discussed below in more detail with reference to FIG. 8. 0030 Users can enter information into a user interface 115 of the computing system 110. This information can include a type of bond structure to optimize, constraints associated with bond structures and bond pools, information associated with loan bids, and any other information required by the loan trading optimizer 120. After the information is received by the user interface 115, the information is stored in a data storage unit 125, which can be a software database or other memory structure. Users can also select a population of loans to consider for optimization by way of the user interface 115. The loans can be stored in a database stored on or coupled to the computing system 110 or at a data source 150 connected to the distributed network 140. The user interface 115 can also output to a user the bond packages and whole loan packages determined by the loan trading optimizer 120. 0031 The loan trading optimizer 120 can communicate with multiple data sources 150 by way of the distributed network 140. For example, the loan trading optimizer 120 can communicate with a data source 150 to determine Fannie Mae TBA prices and another data source 150 to determine U. S. Treasury prices. In another example, the loan trading optimizer 120 can communicate with a data source 150 to access information associated with bids for whole loan packages. The distributed network 140 may be a local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), the Internet or other type of network. 0032 FIG. 2 is a flow chart depicting a method 200 for optimizing fixed rate whole loan trading in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, at step 205, the user interface 115 receives input from a user. This user input is used by the loan trading optimizer 120 to determine the bond structure that should be optimized for a population of loans. For example, if the user desires to find the optimal pooling of loans for pass through bonds, the user can input the constraints for each bond pool. Examples of constraints for pass through bond pools include constraints on loan balances, total number of loans for a pool, and total loan balance for a pool. 0033 At step 210, a population of loans is selected for optimization. The population of loans can be selected from loans stored in a loan database stored on or coupled to the computing system 110 or from a database at a data source 150 connected to the distributed network 140. The population of loans can include loans currently owned by the user (e. g. investment bank) of the loan trading optimizer 120 andor loans that are up for bid by another bank, loan originator, or other institution. For example, a user may employ the loan trading optimizer 120 to find the maximum market value of a loan portfolio currently for sale in order to determine an optimal bid for the loan portfolio. Additionally, a user can select the population of loans by specifying certain criteria, such as maximum loan balance, location of the loans, and FICO score. 0034 At step 215, the loan trading optimizer 120 determines a securitization strategy for the population of loans selected in step 210. Depending upon the user inputs received in step 205, the loan trading optimizer 120 employs one or more of the seniorsubordinate module 121, the pass-thru module 122, and the whole loan module 123 to determine the securitization strategy for the population of loans. Step 215 is discussed in more detail with reference to FIGS. 3-7. 0035 At step 220, the loan trading optimizer 120 determines whether the securitization strategy returned at step 215 is of sufficiently high quality. In this exemplary embodiment, the loan trading optimizer 120 iterates the step of determining a securitization strategy for the population of loans until either an optimal solution is found or the user determines that the securitization strategy is of sufficiently high quality. In order for the user to determine if the securitization strategy if of sufficient high quality, the loan trading optimizer 120 can output the results to the user by way of the user interface 115. The loan trading optimizer 120 can output these results based on a number of iterations of step 215 (e. g. every 100 iterations) or when a certain level of quality is found. The user interface 115 can then receive input from the user indicating whether the securitization strategy is of sufficient high quality. If the securitization strategy is of sufficient high quality or optimal, the method 200 proceeds to step 225. Otherwise, the method 200 returns to step 215. 0036 In one exemplary embodiment, quality is measured in terms of the total dollar value of the population of loans. For example, the user may desire to sell a population of loans for at least ten million dollars in order to bid on the loans. The user can set a threshold for the loan trading optimizer 120 to only return a solution that meets this threshold or a solution that is the optimal solution if the optimal solution is below this threshold. 0037 At step 225, the excess coupon module 124 of the loan trading optimizer 120 can pool any excess coupon resulting from the securitization strategy determined in step 215. This step is optional and is discussed below in more detail with reference to FIG. 8. 0038 At step 230, the loan trading optimizer 120 communicates the final securitization strategy to the user interface 115 for outputting to a user. The user interface 115 can display the final securitization strategy and optionally other possible securitization strategies with similar quality levels. 0039 FIG. 3 is a flow chart depicting a method 215 for determining a securitization strategy for a population of loans in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIGS. 1 and 3, at step 305, the loan trading optimizer 120 determines which models to use for determining the securitization strategies. In this exemplary embodiment, the loan trading optimizer 120 includes a seniorsubordinate module 121, a pass-thru module 122, and a whole loan module 123. Each of the modules 121-123 can build and process a model for determining an optimal packaging of loans as discussed below. The loan trading optimizer 120 determines which modules 121-123 to use based on the input received from the user in step 205 of FIG. 2. For example, the user may specify that only a seniorsubordinate structure should be optimized for the population of loans. Alternatively, if the user has entered bid information for a portfolio of whole loans, the loan trading optimizer 120 can execute the whole loan module 123 with the seniorsubordinate module 121 andor the pass-thru module 122 to determine which of the loans meet the requirements of the bid and are least favorable for securitization. Additionally, a user may specify that both an optimal seniorsubordinate bond structure and an optimal pooling of pass through bonds should be determined for the population of loans. 0040 If the user selected that a seniorsubordinate bond structure should be optimized, the method 215 proceeds to step 310. At step 310, the seniorsubordinate module 121 develops a model for packaging the population of loans into a seniorsubordinate bond structure and processes the model to determine an optimal seniorsubordinate bond structure for the loan population. Step 310 is discussed in more detail with reference to FIGS. 4 and 5. After the seniorsubordinate structure is determined, the method 215 proceeds to step 220 (FIG. 2). 0041 If the user selected that the population of loans should be optimally pooled into pass through bonds, the method 215 proceeds to step 315. At step 315, the pass-thru module 122 develops a model for pooling the population of loans into multiple bond pools and processes the model to determine an optimal pooling for the loan population. Step 315 is discussed in more detail with reference to FIG. 6. After the pooling is determined, the method 215 proceeds to step 220 (FIG. 2). 0042 If the user selected that whole loans should be allocated to a package of whole loans to be sold, the method 215 proceeds to step 320. At step 320, the whole loan module 123 develops a model for allocating whole loans that meet certain constraints and are less favorable to be securitized into a whole loan package and processes the model to determine which loans are best suited for the whole loan package. Step 320 is discussed in more detail with reference to FIG. 7. After the whole loan package is determined, the method 215 proceeds to step 220 (FIG. 2). 0043 FIG. 4 is a flow chart depicting a method 310 for packaging a population of loans into a seniorsubordinate bond structure in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. As briefly discussed above with reference to FIG. 1, a seniorsubordinate bond structure is a structure where bonds with different credit ratings are created. Typically, the seniorsubordinate bond structure includes a senior tranche of bonds having a AAA or similar credit rating and a subordinate tranche of bonds having a lower credit rating. The senior tranche is protected from a certain level of loss by the subordinate tranche as the subordinate tranche incurs the first losses that may occur. The senior trance can be sold to investors desiring a more conservative investment having a lower yield, while the subordinated tranche can be sold to investors willing to take on more risk for a higher yield. For the purpose of this application, a AAA rated bond refers to a bond in the senior tranche, but not necessarily a bond having a credit rating of AAA. 0044 Additionally, interest only (IO) and principal only (PO) bonds may be created in a seniorsubordinate structure. An IO bond is created when the net coupon of a loan is more than the coupon of the bond in which the loan executes. Thus, the difference in the loan coupon and the bond coupon creates an interest only cash flow. Similarly, when the loan coupon is less than the bond coupon, a PO bond is created which receives only principal payments. 0045 Referring to FIGS. 1 and 4, at step 405, the seniorsubordinate module 121 determines the bond coupons that are available for executing the loans into. The seniorsubordinate module 121 may obtain the available bond coupons from a data source 150 or may receive the available bond coupons from the user by way of the user interface 115 in step 205 of FIG. 2. For example, the user may desire to execute the loans into bonds having coupon values between 4.5 and 7.0. 0046 At step 410, the seniorsubordinate module 121 selects a first bond coupon value from the range of available bond coupon values. This first coupon value can be the lowest bond coupon value, the highest coupon value, or any other bond coupon value in the range of available bond coupon values. 0047 At step 415, the seniorsubordinate module 121 determines the execution price of each loan in the population of loans at the selected coupon value. Each loan in the population of loans is structured as a bond. The cash flow of each loan is distributed into symbolic AAA and subordinate bonds, and depending on the coupon of the loan and the selected bond coupon, an IO or PO bond. The principal payment and interest cash flows of each loan is generated in each period accounting for loan characteristics of the loan, such as IO period, balloon terms, and prepayment characteristics. The cash flow generated in each period is distributed to all bonds that the loan executes taking into account shifting interest rules that govern the distribution of prepayments between the AAA and the subordinate bonds in each period. The proportion in which the principal payments are distributed depends on the subordination levels of the AAA and the subordinate bonds. The subordination levels are a function of the loan attributes and are supplied by rating agencies for each loan through an Application Program Interface (API) coupled to the computing device 110. Prepayments are first distributed pro rate to the PO bond and then between the AAA and the subordinate bonds based on the shifting interest rules. Any remaining prepayment is distributed proportionally among all the subordinate bonds. The interest payment for each of the bonds is a direct function of the coupon value for the bond. 0048 After the cash flows of each of the bonds for each of the loans have been generated, the present value of these cash flows is determined. For fixed rate loans, the AAA bonds can be priced as a spread to the To Be Announced (TBA) bond prices. However, the subordinate bond cash flows are discounted by a spread to the U. S. Treasury Yield Curve. The TO and PO bonds are priced using the Trust TO and PO prices. Finally, the price of the AAA bond, the subordinate bonds, and the TO or PO bond is combined proportionally for each loan based on the bond sizes to get the final bond price for each loan. This final bond price is the price of the loan executing into the bond given the selected coupon value of the bond. 0049 At step 420, the seniorsubordinate module 121 determines if there are more bond coupon values in the range of available bond coupon values. If there are more bond coupon values, the method 310 proceeds to step 425. Otherwise, the method 310 proceeds to step 430. 0050 At step 425, the next bond coupon value in the range of available bond coupon values is selected. In one exemplary embodiment, the seniorsubordinate module 121 can increment from the previous selected bond coupon value (e. g. 0.5 increments) to determine the next bond coupon value. In an alternative embodiment, the seniorsubordinate module 121 can progress through a fixed list of bond coupon values. For example, the user may select specific bond coupon values to execute the loans into, such as only 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0. After the next bond coupon value is selected, the method 310 returns to step 415 to determine the execution price of each loan in the population of loans at the new coupon value. 0051 At step 430, the seniorsubordinate module 121 determines, for each loan in the population of loans, which bond coupon value yielded the highest final bond price for that particular loan. 0052 At step 435, the seniorsubordinate module 121 groups the loans according to the bond coupon value that yielded the highest final bond price for each loan. For example, if the available bond coupon values are 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0, each loan that has a highest final bond price at 4.0 are grouped together, while each loan that has a highest final bond price at 5.0 are grouped together, and each loan that has a final bond price at 6.0 are grouped together. After step 435 is complete, the method proceeds to step 220 (FIG. 2). 0053 In the embodiment of FIG. 4, the subordinate bonds for each loan execute at the same bond coupon value as the corresponding AAA bond. For example, if a first loan of 6.25 best executes into a bond having a coupon value of 6.0, then a AAA bond of 6.0 and a subordinate bond that is priced at U. S. Treasury spreads specified for execution coupon 6.0 is created. If a second loan of 5.375 best executes into a bond having a coupon value of 5.0, then a AAA bond of 5.0 and a subordinate bond that is priced at U. S. Treasury spreads specified for execution coupon 5.0 is created. This creates two AAA bonds and two subordinate bonds at two different coupon values. 0054 Typically, when loans are packaged in a seniorsubordinate bond structure, multiple AAA bonds with multiple coupon values are created with a common set of subordinate bonds that back all of the AAA bonds. This set of subordinate bonds is priced at the weighted average (WA) execution coupon of all of the AAA bonds created for the loan package. Pricing the subordinate bonds at the WA execution coupon implies that the spread to the benchmark U. S. Treasury curve, which is a function of the bond rating and the execution coupon of the subordinate bond, has to be chosen appropriately. In order to know the WA execution coupon of all the AAA bonds for the population of loans, the best execution coupon for each loan in the population of loans has to be known. In order to know the best execution coupon of each loan, the loan has to be priced at different bond coupon values and the AAA and subordinate bonds created at those coupons also have to be priced. However, the subordinate bond cash flows are discounted with spreads to the U. S. Treasury, with spreads taken at the WA best execution coupon which is still unknown. This creates a circular dependency as the best execution of each loan in the population of loans now depends on all the other loans in the population. 0055 FIG. 5 is a flow chart depicting a method 500 for packaging a population of loans into a seniorsubordinate structure in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. The method 500 is an alternative method to that of method 310 of FIG. 4, accounting for pricing subordinate bonds at the WA execution coupon and provides a solution to the circular dependency discussed above. 0056 The WA execution coupon for a population of loans can be calculated by: 0057 In Equation 1, x ij is a binary variable with a value of either 0 or 1, whereby a value of 1 indicates that the i th loan is optimally executing at the j th execution coupon value. The parameters d 0 to d j represent the j execution coupon values. For example, the coupons values could range from 4.5 to 7.0. Finally, the parameter b i represents the balance of the i th loan. 0058 If q o to q j are the weights of the j execution coupons, then: 0059 where q 0 to q 1 are special ordered sets of type two, which implies that at most two are non-zero and the two non-zero weights are adjacent. 0060 Let Pa ij be the price of the AAA bond when loan i executes at coupon j. Next, let Ps ij be the overall price of all of the subordinate bonds combined when loan i executes at coupon j. Finally, let Pio ij and Ppo ij be the prices of the IO and PO bonds respectively when loan i executes at coupon j. 0061 The AAA bond prices and the TO and PO bond price components of loan i executing at coupon j are linear functions of x ij . The AAA priced as a spread to the TBA is a function of the execution coupon of the AAA bond and the IOPO prices are a lookup based on collateral attributes of the loan. However, pricing the subordinate bonds is complicated because the subordinate cash flows are discounted at the WA execution coupon. 0062 Let p i be a matrix of size jj that contains the prices of the subordinate bonds. The (m, n) entry of the matrix represents the price of the subordinate cash flows when the cash flow of loan i is generated assuming that loan i executes at the m th coupon and is discounted using subordinate spreads for the n th coupon. Subordinate spreads to the U. S. Treasury are a function of the execution coupon and any product definition, such as the size (e. g. JumboConforming), maturity (e. g. 1530 years), etc. The price of the subordinate bond of the i th loan can be written as: 0063 which is a non linear expression as the equation contains a product of q and x ij . both of which are variables in this equation. 0064 FIG. 5 provides a method 500 for overcoming this non-linearity. Referring to FIG. 5, at step 505, the seniorsubordinate module 121 determines the optimal execution price for each loan in the population of loans independent of the WA execution coupon. In one exemplary embodiment, the seniorsubordinate module 121 employs the method 310 of FIG. 4 to find the optimal execution price for each loan. 0065 At step 510, the seniorsubordinate module 121 determines the WA execution coupon corresponding to the optimal execution price for each loan. This WA execution coupon can be found using Equation 1 above. 0066 At step 515, the seniorsubordinate module 121 determines the weights (i. e. q 0 - q j ) of each execution coupon for the WA execution coupon found in step 510. These weights can be found using Equation 3 above. 0067 At step 520, the seniorsubordinate module 121 builds a model including an objective function to determine the optimal execution coupon for each loan to maximize the total market value of all of the bonds in the seniorsubordinate structure. The expression of the objective function contains ij terms, where the ij term represents the market value of executing the i th loan at the j th execution coupon. After inserting the values of the weights of the execution coupons (i. e. qs) into the expression for subordinate bond price (Equation 4), only two of the terms will be non-zero for the sub-price of the i th loan executing at the j th execution coupon. 0068 As the method 200 of FIG. 2 iterates step 215, different WA execution coupons can be used to maximize the objective function. The iterations can begin with the WA execution coupon found in step 510 and the seniorsubordinate module 121 can search around this WA execution coupon until either the optimal solution is found or the user decides that a solution of sufficient high quality is found in step 220 of FIG. 2. In other words, the seniorsubordinate module 121 searches for an optimal solution by guessing several values of the WA execution coupon around an initial estimate of the optimal execution coupon. After a final solution is found by the seniorsubordinate module 121, the loans can be grouped based on the coupon values for each loan in the final solution to the objective function. 0069 In some instances, one of the undesirable effects of the seniorsubordinate bond structure is the creation of IO andor PO bonds, which may not trade as rich as AAA bonds. In some exemplary embodiments, the seniorsubordinate module 121 can ameliorate this issue by considering a loan as two pseudo loans. For example, a loan having a net rate of 6.125 and a balance of 100,000 can be considered equivalent to two loans of balance b1 and b2 and coupons 6 and 6.5 such that the following conditions are satisfied: 0070 The first condition conserves the original balance, while the second condition is to set the WA coupon of the two pseudo loans to equal the net rate of the original loan. Solving these equations for b1 and b2, we find that b175,000 and b225,000. These two loans, when executed at 6.0 and 6.5 bond coupons respectively, avoids the creation of either an IO bond or a PO bond. 0071 Although in the above example two adjacent half point coupons were used to create the two pseudo loans, two coupons from any of the half point bond coupons that are being used to create the bonds can be used. For example, if only bond coupons from 4.5 to 7.0 are being used to create the bonds, there would be fifteen combinations to consider (6C215). In some cases, the best solution is not to split the loan into two adjacent half point bond coupons. For example, this split may not be optimal if the AAA spreads at the two adjacent half point coupons are far higher than the ones that are not adjacent to the net balance of the loan. 0072 The seniorsubordinate module 121 can construct a linear program or linear objective function to determine the optimal split into pseudo loans. The output of the linear program is the optimal splitting of the original loan into pseudo loans such that the overall execution of the loan is maximized, subject to no IO bond or PO bond creation. For each loan i, let variable x ij indicate the balance of loan i allocated to the jth half point coupon, subject to the constraint that the sum of over x ij for all j equals to the balance of loan i and the WA coupon expressed as a function of the x ij s equals to the net coupon of loan i, similar to Equation 6 above. Let the execution coupons be r 0 to r n . Thus, this equation becomes: 0073 where b i is the balance of loan i and c i is the net coupon of loan i. The price of loan i executing at coupon j is the sum of the price of the AAA bond and the subordinate bonds. No IO or PO bonds are created when the coupons are split. The seniorsubordinate module 121 calculates the price of the AAA bond as a spread to the TBA, where the spread is a function of the execution coupon j. In one embodiment, the seniorsubordinate module 121 also calculates the price of the subordinate bond as a spread to the TBA for simplification of the problem. Cash flows are not generated as the split of the balances to different execution coupons is not yet known. The seniorsubordinate module 121 combines the price of the subordinate bond and the AAA bond in proportion to the subordination level of loan i, which can be input by a user in step 205 of FIG. 2 or input by an API. At this point, the seniorsubordinate module 121 has calculated the price of loan i (P ij ) for each execution coupon j. To determine the optimal splitting of the original loan into pseudo loans, the seniorsubordinate module 121 creates the following objective function and works to maximize this objective function: 0074 Equation 8 is a simple linear program with two constraints and can be solved optimally. The solution gives the optimal split of the loan into at most two coupons and thus, a bond can be structured without creating any IO or PO bonds. The user can determine if the bond should be split or not based on the optimal execution and other business considerations. 0075 FIG. 6 is a flow chart depicting a method 315 for packaging a population of loans into pass through bonds in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. A pass through bond is a fixed income security backed by a package of loans or other assets. Typically, as briefly discussed above with reference to FIG. 1, a pass through bond is guaranteed by a government agency, such as Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae. The government agency guarantees the pass through bond in exchange for a guarantee fee (Gfee). The Gfee can be an input provided by the agencies for a specific set of loans or can be specified as a set of rules based on collateral characteristics. Regardless of how the Gfee is obtained, the Gfee for a loan set is known. 0076 When loans are securitized as a pass through bond, one has the option to buy up or buy down the Gfee in exchange for an equivalent fee to the agencies. Buying up the Gfee reduces the net coupon and thus the price of the bond as well. This upfront buy up fee is exchanged in lieu of the increased Gfee coupon. Similarly, buying down the Gfee reduces the Gfee and increases the net coupon and therefore increases the bond price. An upfront fee is paid to the agencies to compensate for the reduced Gfee. 0077 The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac agencies typically provide buy up and buy down grids each month. Referring to FIG. 1, these grids can be stored in a data source 150 or in the data storage unit 125 for access by the pass-thru module 122 of the loan trading optimizer 120. If the Gfee is bought up or bought down, an excess coupon is created. The amount of buy up or buy down of Gfee can vary based on collateral attributes of the loan and can also be subject to a minimum and maximum limit. 0078 Referring now to FIGS. 1 and 6, at step 605, the pass-thru module 122 determines the optimal execution of each loan by buy up or buy down of the Gfee. In one exemplary embodiment, the optimal execution of each loan is determined by finding the overall price of the loan for each available buy up and buy down of the Gfee. Typically, a Gfee can be bought up or down in increments of 1100 th of a basis point. The pass-thru module 122 implements a loop for each loan from the minimum to the maximum Gfee buy up with a step size of 1100 th of a basis point. Similarly, the pass-thru module 122 implements a loop for each loan from the minimum to the maximum Gfee buy down with a step size of 1100 th of a basis point. In each iteration, the amount of Gfee buy up or buy down is added to the current net rate of the loan. From this modified net rate of the loan, the TBA coupon is determined as the closest half point coupon lower than or equal to the modified net rate. The excess coupon is equal to the modified net rate of the TBA coupon and the price of the excess coupon is a lookup in the agency grid. The fee for the buy up or buy down is also a lookup in the agency grid. The price of the TBA coupon is a lookup from the TBA price curve. When the Gfee is bought up, the cost is added to the overall price and when the Gfee is bought down, the cost is subtracted from the overall price. The pass-thru module 122 determines the overall price of execution for the loan at each iteration and determines the optimal execution for the loan as the execution coupon of the TBA for which the overall price is maximized. This overall cost is the combination of the price of the TBA coupon, the price of the excess coupon, and the cost of the Gfee (added if buy up, subtracted if buy down). 0079 At step 610, the pass-thru module 122 determines which TBA pools each loan is eligible for. Pooling loans into TBA bonds is a complex process with many constraints on pooling. Furthermore, different pools of loans have pool payups based on collateral characteristics. For example, low loan balance pools could prepay slower and thus may trade richer. Also, loan pools with geographic concentration known to prepay faster may trade cheaper and thus have a negative pool payup. Thus, pooling optimally taking into account both the constraints and the pool payups can lead to profitable execution that may not be captured otherwise. 0080 Each of the TBA pools for which a loan can be allocated has a set of pool eligibility rules and a pool payup or paydown. Non-limiting examples of pools can be a low loan balance pool (e. g. loan balances less than 80K), a medium loan balance pool (e. g. loan balance between 80K and 150K), a high loan balance pool (e. g. loan balances above 150K), a prepay penalty loan pool, and an interest only loan pool. For a loan to be allocated to a specific pool by the pass-thru module 122, the loan has to satisfy both the eligibility rules of the pool and also best execute at the execution coupon for that pool. 0081 The pass-thru module 122 applies the eligibility rules of the TBA bond pools to the loans to determine the TBA bond pools for which each loan is eligible. The pass-thru module 122 can utilize pool priorities to arbitrate between multiple pools if a loan is eligible for more than one pool. If a loan is eligible to be pooled into a higher and lower priority pool, the pass-thru module 122 allocates the loan to the higher priority pool. However, if a loan is eligible for multiple pools having the same priority, the pass-thru module 122 can allocate the loan into either of the pools having the same priority. 0082 At step 615, the pass-thru module 122 builds a model for allocating the loans into TBA pools based on the constraints of each TBA bond pool. Let x ij be a binary variable with a value of 1 or 0 which has a value of 1 when loan i is allocated to TBA bond pool j. The total loan balance and loan count constraints of the TBA pools are linear functions of the x ij variables. The objective function for this model is also a linear combination of the market values of each loan. The primary problem in this model is that the given loan population selected in step 210 of FIG. 2 may not be sufficient to allocate all TBA loan pools, as some of the pools may not have loans to satisfy the balance and count constraints or the loans may not be eligible for those pools. In such cases, it is desirable for the pools to have the constraints when applicable. If there are some pools for which there are not enough loans in the population of loans to form a pool, then such pools are not subjected to the specified constraints while the other pools are. However, it is not possible to know a-priori which pools do not have enough loans to satisfy the constraints. Thus, the model employs conditional constraints to allow constraints to be applicable to only those pools which are allocated. 0083 The pooling model is modified to allow for some loans to not be allocated to any pool. This non-allocation will ensure that the model is always solvable and is similar to introducing a slack variable in linear programming. Thus, for each loan in the population of loans, there is an additional binary variable representing the unallocated pool into which the loan can be allocated. Those loans allocated to the unallocated pool are given a zero costmarket value, thus encouraging the pass-thru module 122 to allocate as many loans as possible. 0084 The next step in building this pooling model is to introduce p binary variables for the p possible TBA pools. A value of 1 indicates that this pool is allocated with loans satisfying the pool constraints and a value of 0 indicates that this pool is not allocated. These variables are used to convert simple linear constraints into conditional constraints. 0085 Each constraint of each pool is converted to conditional constraints for the pooling model. To detail this conversion, a maximum loan count constraint is considered for pool P. Let x 1 to x n be binary variable where x i are the loans eligible for pool P. Next, let x 1 . x n U, where U equals the total number of loans in pool P. Finally, let w be the binary variable to indicate if pool P is allocated. The user constraint for maximum loan count is specified as UK, where K is given by the user. In order to impose this constraint conditionally, this constraint is transformed to the following two constraints: 0086 UK w 0087 UM w 0088 where M is a constant such that the sum of all x i s is bounded by M. Consider both the cases when pool P is allocated (w1) and when pool P is not allocated (w0) below: 0089 w1: UK (required) 0090 UM (redundant) 0091 w0: U0 0092 U0 0093 The only way for U0 would be when all the x i s are 0 and thus, pool P will be unallocated. 0094 Other constraints, such as minimum count, minimum balance, maximum balance, average balance, and weighted average constraints can be transformed similarly for the pooling model. After all of the constraints are transformed to conditional constraints, the pooling model is ready to handle constraints conditionally. 0095 At step 620, the pass-thru module 122 executes the pooling model to allocate the loans into TBA pools. After the pass-thru module 122 executes the model for one iteration, the method 315 proceeds to step 220 (FIG. 2). As the method 200 of FIG. 2 iterates step 215, different TBA pool allocations are produced by the pass-thru module 122 until either the optimal TBA pool allocation is found or until the user decides that a solution of sufficient high quality is found in step 220 (FIG. 2). 0096 FIG. 7 is a flow chart depicting a method 320 for packaging whole loans in accordance with one exemplary embodiment of the present invention. The method 320 identifies an optimal package of loans meeting a set of constraints given by a customer or investor. In this embodiment, the loan package is optimized by determining which loans, among the population of loans that meet the constraints, are least favorable to be securitized. Although the method 320 of FIG. 7 is discussed in terms of the seniorsubordinate bond structure, other bonds structures or models can be used. 0097 Referring to FIG. 7, at step 705, the whole loan module 123 determines which loans in the population of loans meets constraints of a bid for whole loans. Investment banks and other financial institutions receive bids for whole loans meeting specific requirements. These requirements can be entered into the user interface 115 at step 205 of FIG. 2 andor stored in the data storage unit 125 or a data source 150. The constraints can include requirements that the loans must satisfy, such as, for example, minimum and maximum balance of the total loan package, constraints on the weighted average coupon, credit ratings of the recipients of the loans (e. g. FICO score), and loan-to-value (LTV) ratio. The constraints can also include location based constraints, such as no more than 10 of the loan population be from Florida and no zip code should have more than 5 of the loan population. 0098 After the whole loan module 123 selects the loans that meet the constraints, at step 710, the whole loan module 123 determines the price of each loan that meets the constraints based on a securitization module. For example, the price of the loans may be calculated based on the seniorsubordinate structure discussed above with reference to FIGS. 4 and 5. 0099 At step 715, the whole loan module 123 determines whether to use an efficient model to select loans least favorable to be securitized by minimizing the dollar value of the spread of execution of the loans based on a securitization model or a less efficient model to select loans least favorable to be securitized by minimizing the spread of execution of the loans based on a securitization model. In one exemplary embodiment, this determination can be based on the total number of loans in the population or chosen by a user. If the whole loan module 123 determines to use the efficient model, the method 320 proceeds to step 725. Otherwise, the method 320 proceeds to step 720. 0100 At step 720, the whole loan module 123 selects loans that are least favorable to be securitized by minimizing the spread of execution of the loans based on the seniorsubordinate bond structure. The whole loan module 123 builds a model to select a subset of the loans that meet the constraints such that the WA price of the loans of this subset net of the TBA price of the WA coupon of this subset is minimized. The TBA price of the WA coupon of the subset is typically higher as the TBA typically has a better credit quality and hence the metric chosen will have a negative value. The objective function that needs to be minimized is given by: 0101 In Equation 9, x i to x n are binary variables with a value of either 0 or 1, whereby a value of 1 indicates that the loan is allocated and 0 otherwise. The variables b 1 to b n are the balances of the loans and p i to p n are the prices of the loans as determined in step 710. The variables q 1 to q m are the weights for each of the half point coupons and px 1 to px m are the TBA prices for the half point coupons. The weights are special ordered sets of type two, which as discussed above, implies that at most two are non-zero and the two non-zero weights are adjacent. Thus, the expression (q 1 px 1 . q mpx m ) is the price of the WA coupon of the allocated loans. 0102 The weights (q 1 - q m ) are subject to the constraints: 0103 where the c i s are the net coupons on the loans and the r i s are the half point coupons of the TBA curve. 0104 An illustrated weighted average constraint (Kwac) on the coupon could be: 0105 Let y 0 M(x 1 b 1 . x nb n ) and y j x j y 0 where M is a scaling constant to keep the model scaled sensibly. Rewriting the equations, the objective function to minimize is:

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